Chapter 59

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*a few days later*

Katherine's P.O.V.

I felt tiny hands gripping my sleeve which made me slowly open my eyes. The light blinded me for a few seconds, but I quickly got used to it. I looked to the side and saw that the owner of the tiny hands was none other than Dezenym himself.

"Ah!" He exclaimed excitedly and proceeded to hug my whole head.

I chuckled and quickly regretted it because of the pain in my belly.

"You're up!" Lyla yelled in surprise and quickly sat next to me. "How do you feel? Are you hurting anywhere? How many fingers do you see?" She rambled on making me smile.

"I'm fine. A little thirsty though." I said softly, because my throat felt like sandpaper.

"Water. Right. Give me a second." She said and dashed downstairs.

I moved my hand to rub Dezenym's head and he closed his eyes in content.

"Where are your uncles cutie? Did they run away?" I said in a whisper.

"They're out with the kids. They'll be back soon." Lyla answered as she places a glass of water on the nightstand next to me.

"Kids?" I said in confusion.

Then my eyes widened and I whipped my head towards my belly. My three times smaller belly.

"I gave birth?!" I whisper-yelled in astonishment.

"Yup. A healthy boy and a healthy girl." Lyla answered with a smile.

"Wait. How long was I out?" I asked in confusion because it felt like I was sleeping for years.

"About five days." She said and proceeded to explain in more details on what went down after I passed out.

My eyes kept getting wider and wider the more she explained.

We're definitely not having any more kids.

The door of the room opened and I immediately looked towards the stairs.

"Come on you tiny aliens. Let's see if your mama is awake." I heard Draco say as he started to climb the stairs.

And once his head popped into view, our eyes met. His eyes widened as I grinned at him.

"You're awake!" He yelled in surprise and quickly climbed the rest of the stairs.

"She's awake?!" Tharion yelled from downstairs and within a few seconds, he was next to Draco, sporting the same expression.

I noticed Draco carrying two baby baskets and I slowly sat up, eager to meet my babies.

"Since you're mates are here, we'll be leaving." Lyla said and took a whining Dezenym with her.

Draco approached me and put the baskets next to me. But before I could even look at my babies, my two spoiled husbands engulfed me in a tight hug.

"You do realize you shortened our lives for a couple hundred years right?" Tharion mumbled in my neck, making me chuckle.

I, again, regretted it because of the pain, but I managed to keep the groan in as to not worry my mates.

"And just so we're clear, no more kids. We can't go through this again." Draco added and pressed a long kiss on the side of my head.

"Okay, okay. Now let me see my kids." I said with a smile and they released me with a grumble.

I gently pulled the baskets closer and slowly took the baby from the pink basket. Her eyes were wide opened as she looked at me.

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