Chapter 50

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Katherine's P.O.V.

What the- It really is a party!

I looked at the ginormous crowd in front of me as if they were some aliens.

How many of them are there?

I looked at the endless dancing crowd in front of me in astonishment. The females were dressed similarly to me, while the males were dressed in some Indian-like pants, torsos bare like the day they were born.

But what really threw me off were their happy faces. Everyone was laughing and dancing like there was no tomorrow. None of them were glaring as I walked in. None of them even noticed I was among them.

Did they bring me at the right place? Why is everyone so happy when their hostage is literally among them?

A thought crossed my mind.

Maybe they're ignoring me on purpose to bring me to the edge so they can easily break me.

But that thought flew out the window when a group of young girls pulled me to dance with them. I looked at them with wide eyes, as one of them held both of my hands and urged me to dance with her.

"Come on human. Don't be so gloomy. Move your hips a bit." She said as she placed her hands on my hips and guided me to dance to the loud music.

So they are aware I'm among them.

And I might have followed her if my stomach wasn't giving me hell ever since I smelled the food earlier. I just knew I'd empty my inside instantly if I decided to dance. But she still urged me to dance with her.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

"That's enough." One of the guards who brought me here said sharply and came between me and the girl.

"Boo. You're running the fun." She said in annoyance and continued to dance with her friends.

The guard just ignored her and guided me back to the old lady. She gave me a smile and then continued to walk towards God knows where. And as we continued to walk, a few more dragons greeted us and some also tried to 'snatch' me away so I'd dance with them too. The three guards were annoyed beyond belief.

Where are we even going?

And right after I thought that, we came to a stop. I looked around me and noticed we were outside of the dancing crowd and were now in front of a big, black metal armchair decorated with red rhinestones.

Wait. Is that a throne?!

And sure enough, a very familiar set of cold red eyes came in contact with mine as the person slowly walked towards the throne and sat on it, swinging one leg over the armrest and leaning his head on his hand.

Niran fucking Hale.

Although half of his face was covered when we were at the gathering, I'd recognize those red glaring eyes anywhere.

"Your Majesty." The old lady said with a smile and slightly bowed her head.

Niran's looked at her with a soft smile and then glared at me again. I returned that glare with one of my own.

"Katherine Zale. It's nice to finally meet you." He said with a smirk.

"If it were under different circumstances, it might have been nice." I said in disdain.

Despite the loud music and cheering crowd, I could hear him perfectly well. Surprisingly.

Why is no one bothered by this? Is this how things work around here?

"Why the somber face Katherine?" He asked playfully, dangling his leg back and forth.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"You try being cheerful when you're kidnapped." I grumbled in annoyance and crossed my arms.

His smirk widened. Then he stood up, alerting all my senses. My eyes carefully watched his every move. And when he started to walk towards me, fear slowly crept inside my body. But I refused to let it show. Instead, I hardened my gaze and glared at him as much as I could.

"Come on. Cheer up. We're not used to gloomy faces around here." He said and tried to touch my forehead, probably to rub away the crease between my eyebrows, but I swiftly move away.

"Touch me and that arm will be folded in half. And not in the way it's supposed to fold." I threatened through gritted teeth.

"Ohh, so scary." He mocked flapping his hands weirdly.

My eyebrow twitched.

This motherfucking-

I grabbed the stupid veil and yanked it off of my face so I could show this asshole just how much I was glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, he'd be under the ground by now.

His smirk dropped and now I was the one smirking in victory because it looked like I finally irked him. But my smirk soon dropped too because of the look he was giving me.

"Niran..." The old lady said gently, but you could hear the worry in her voice.

But he didn't look at her. It looked like he didn't even hear her. His eyes were glued to me.

What's his problem?

Then he took a step towards me. I took a step back on instinct. He took one more step and I stepped back again.

What is he planning with that weird look?

I tried to step back again, but he somehow managed to get to me before I even noticed. He gripped my shoulders gently, but I still flinched. The look in his eyes both scared and surprised me. He looked shocked, disbelief written all over his face.


"Food's here!" Someone yelled excitedly, interrupting him. "Here you go pretty human." The person said happily and a tray filled with food to the brim was placed right in front of my face.

Oh shit!

I couldn't hold back the bile. It wanted out and I could feel it coming out. I quickly turned around and emptied whatever was left from my earlier puking session. If I could, I'd take out my stomach right this second just to end this suffering.

After I finished I straightened up, but my vision blurred and everything started to spin around, slowly becoming darker and darker. My knees gave out and the last thing I felt were arms wrapping around me.


Hi guys! \(^▽^)/

Welcome back! As promised, new chapy is here early! I hope you liked it!

So, what do we think about Niran?

I had a completely different idea for him, but I decided to change it halfway through lol. You'll see what I mean soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also, I've been getting huge surges of inspiration recently, so I've been writing non-stop. I'm happy to say that I'm almost done with the book! Some parts still need major editing, but I'm slowly getting to the end

And yes, I'm still in the middle of my exams, but do I care? No

Will I flunk the said exams? Maybe yes, maybe no (probably yes)

Will I later stress about it? Unfortunately yes

It's a whole damn circle at this point, but my brain refuses to acknowledge and accept the fact that we need better organization *sighs*

Anyways, that's it for now! I'll see you in the next chapy! Bye bye~

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓲 💕

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