Chapter 13

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Katherine's P.O.V.

The bus finally stopped and everybody cheered.

"Finally!" Lyla groaned out loudly.

We grabbed our stuff and walked out of the bus. When everyone was out, Tharion and Draco addressed us.

"Alright everyone. Make sure all your belongings are with you and then head to our usual camping spot." Draco said and everyone started to check their stuff.

"Usual camping spot?" I said in confusion.

"Yeah. When we go on trips, most of the time it ends up being camping, so we have a reserved spot here just for us." Lyla explained.

"Oh. Then how come we never went to any trips since I started working?" I asked.

I was an intern for six months and it's been four months since I officially became an employee of this company. And not once did we go to any trips during that time.

"You were just unlucky to become an employee at the most hectic time of the year." She said with a grin. "And we don't include interns since they're not official employees." She added.

"So you've been enjoying yourself while I was busting my butt off to secure a spot in the company?" I said, faking feeling shocked and betrayed.

She just rolled her eyes making me smirk and pull her in a hug.

"Well wasn't that cute." Draco said out of nowhere.

I jumped and unwrapped myself from Lyla. Then I hid behind her out of embarrassment because he saw me acting like that.

God, I can even identify their voices now...

Tharion and Draco were standing next to us, with their bags in hands.

"Shall we?" Draco said playfully.

Lyla and I started to walk and they were right behind us.

"Are we going be with them during the entire trip or just until we get to the camping spot?" I whispered to Lyla.

"I don't know. We'll see when we get there." She replied.

I groaned internally.

If they end up being with us for the entire trip, I'll definitely die from a heart attack.


We arrived at the camping spot and my breath was taken away. It was at the base of a mountain and right next to a lake.

(A/N: Picture in the media above)

"Lyla, this is beautiful!" I whisper-yelled in amazement.

"I know. That's why we often come here." She said with a big grin.

We slowly started to assemble our tents and during that time I couldn't peel my eyes away from the green scenery which surrounded us.


After some time, we were finally done with setting our tents. The sun was slowly setting and everyone started to prepare for the bonfire.

Lyla suddenly grabbed my hand and started pulling me after her.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I have to show you something before the bonfire starts." She said without looking at me.

"And what is that something?" I asked.

"You'll see." She said playfully, but her voice sounded odd.

"Will you at least tell were that something is located?" I asked, trying to get any information about whatever she wants to show me.

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