Chapter 27

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Katherine's P.O.V.

"NOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs when I saw Kayda blasting fire at Matthew.

Not even a second later we landed and when Tharion lowered his head, I didn't waste a moment to jump and immediately ran towards the fire.

"Katie, stop! It's too dangerous!" Draco yelled behind me, but I ignored him and continued to run forward.

But I was forced to a stop because the fire was so strong, the heat coming from it was repelling everything away.

Why is the fire so big?!

But my thoughts were quickly interrupted when I heard Matthew's screams.

"Mat!" I yelled, but I don't think he heard me because of his screams.

I was panicking more and more and was fidgeting in place, trying to figure out how to save him.

What do I do?! What do I do?! What do I do?!

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me and weirdly, it calmed me down a little.

"Calm down Katie." Draco whispered into my ear. "I can still hear his heartbeat. I think he'll be alright. Tharion is going to suck in Kayda's fire and we'll immediately help him if he needs it." He added calmly and spooned me in his arms.

I nodded my head and started to breathe in and out to calm myself. And just like Draco said, Tharion started to suck in Kayda's fire. Then he looked up towards the sky and blasted the fire out. I immediately started to search for Matthew.

And soon enough, I let out a loud cry, collapsing on the ground when I saw an unconscious Matthew.

"Calm down love. He's alive. Look closely." Draco said calmly and slowly lifted me in his arms.

Then he approached Matthew and I felt like a ton of weight fell off my shoulders when I saw Matthew without a single burn on him. Draco put me down on the ground and I quickly went to sit next to Matthew.

"Mat." I said through hiccups and shook him a little.

When he didn't respond, I again started to panic. But then he let out a groan and slowly opened his eyes.

"Mat!" I yelled in relief and quickly pulled him in a hug.

"What... happened?" He asked in confusion.

I pulled away so I'd answer him, but my eyes fell on his neck.

No way...

I whipped my head toward Tharion, who was still in his dragon form, and Draco and they were as stunned as me. I looked back at Matthew, who was looking at us in confusion, and then focused my eyes back on the mark on his neck.



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"So they are mates." Draco stated the obvious.

"Mates?" Matthew said confused, but then his eyes widened in realization and he instantly stood up. "She lit me on fire!" He yelled in astonishment.

I was still a little shaken up from seeing Matthew on fire and that he's indeed Kayda's mate, so I couldn't form words at the moment.

They're mates...

"Luckily you're mates or else you'd be in ashes by now." Draco said and helped me to get up.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

So Mat really could've died and we wouldn't be able to do anything.

Draco bit his lip and cursed lowly. Then he hugged me and comforted me, saying everything's alright now and there's no need to worry.

Matthew looked down and, I think, started to process what just happened. I was feeling numb all over my body and was just looking at them like they were ghosts.

"You can come out now Kayda. You're out of danger." Draco suddenly said.

I slowly looked at him to see where he was looking at and then shifted my eyes toward a few trees, where Kayda was peeking her head a little.

"I don't have clothes." She said in embarrassment.

I don't know what happened after that because the next thing I saw was a black curtain covering my sight.


Tharion's and Draco's P.O.V.

"Woah!" Draco said and quickly reacted when Katherine went limp in his arms.

'Looks like all the adrenalin wore off.' Tharion said worriedly.

'Mhm. Tell Blaze and Lyla we'll stay here and send a few servants to help them pack the rest of the girls' stuff.' Draco said and took Katherine in his arms.

'Alright.' Tharion replied.

"Is she okay?" Matthew asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Just shaken up a bit." Draco answered. "Grab a shirt from the bag in Tharion's claw and give it to Kayda. She's right behind that tree." He added and pointed at the tree behind which Kayda was hiding.

Matthew whipped his head toward Tharion and his face visibly paled. Draco noticed this and was seconds away from teasing him.

"Don't worry. He won't hurt you." Draco assured. "If he did try to do anything, Kayda would have his head for dinner. Not to mention Katie." He added with a chuckle and headed toward the secret door of their lair.

Matthew slowly and carefully approached Tharion's dragon form and slowly extended his arm toward the bag which was hanging off of Tharion's claw. If he could, Tharion would smirk at him, but it probably wasn't a smart idea for a dragon to smirk in front of a scared human.

Matthew quickly grabbed a shirt and bolted toward Kayda. Tharion shifted back to his human form while Kayda and Matthew weren't looking and quickly got dressed. Then he headed the same way Draco did, eager to hold Katherine in his arms and comfort her.

Well this was an interesting day.


Hi guys! \(^▽^)/

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed this chapy!

Matthew is alive! Yaay! And he and Kayda are mates! Double yaay!

Okay that's enough excitement for me lol. I'll see you in the next chapy! Bye bye~

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓲 💕

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