Prologue: Terror

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One year in the future...

Running through the streets of Brooklyn, Belle never imagined her life would turn out like this.  Her past, her history had been leading to this.  A history she was unaware of until just a few days ago. She was so angry at everyone.  Steve, Tony, Bucky, Sam , Nat, all of them kept it from her.  So, she ran.  Now, she just wanted to be home, safe in Steve's arms.  But she ran.  Why oh why did she run?

She found a diner and tried to calmly enter and sit in the back, low.  She knew she needed to become inconspicuous, so she pulled her dark hair into the hood of her sweater, tapped the glasses that Tony had given her to change her eye color and look at her phone.  It still had blood on it from where it splattered on her.  "Bucky," she whispered.  Bucky shielded her when they were attacked.  She had remembered to push her panic button but who knew if Clint or Steve was watching for it. She had dropped it when she started to run, hoping it would save him.

She scrolled to Steve's number.  "Please pick up," she whispered.

Steve's deep timbre answered. Isabella?  Where are you?

"Steve.  I'm in a diner in Brooklyn.  Uh," she looked around, "Sheila's on 10th.  Steve, Bucky..." she sobbed. The tears just streamed down her face.

Belle, we're on the way.  Just stay low.  I'm coming for you baby.

"Steve, I'm so scared."

I know baby, but I'm coming. I love you.

"I love you too.  I'm sorry I ran.  Please... No!"  She screamed as a hand grabbed her, dropping the phone. One man held her, covering her mouth.

Belle?! Isabella?! Steve was yelling in the phone, frantic.  He heard movement.

Asecond man picked up the phone.  "You want her, Captain? Come get her."

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