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"Get out of my home Delilah."

"Belle, that's not what..."

"I don't care.  Get. Out!"

Steve and Bucky heard the yelling and went into the closet. "Sweet pea? What's going on?"

Belle reached for Steve. "I want her to leave.  Tell her to leave!" Belle buried her head in his chest.

"It's just a misunderstanding," Lila says looking at Bucky.

"What did you say?"


"She implied I was only here for Steve's money." Belle looked up at Steve.  "You know that's not true, right?"

"Of course, I know that." He kissed her forehead and pulled her close.  "Maybe Delilah, we should postpone dinner."

"Steve, I..."

"C'mon Li."  Bucky pulled her out of the room.  He walked her to the door as they heard a cry come from the room.  "What the hell Li?"

"It came out wrong."

"This isn't the first time Delilah.  I remember your attitude when Steve gave her stuff.  What is the matter with you?"

"I don't know. She just... she's just so mousy it boggles the mind that she landed someone like Steve."

"Wow.  Jealous much?"

"No, Bucky that's not what I meant.  I mean..."

"No, I got it.  How dare your best friend find love before you right? Guess I wasn't good enough to wait for, right?"  He could see the tears welling in her eyes.  "Maybe we should take a break Lila. You think about if I am good enough."


Bucky pulled out his phone and texted the doorman downstairs. "There is car waiting for you Miss Stevens.  Have a nice evening."  Bucky spun on his heel and went back to Steve and Belle's room.  Lila left the apartment with a slam of a door.  Bucky took a breath before entering the room.  "Belle?" He peeked in and saw her sitting on Steve's lap, head in his neck.

"Is she gone?"

"Yeah, sweetheart, she's gone.  I'm so sorry she said that." He leaned against the dresser, ankles and arms crossed.  "She was way out of line."

"It's not your fault Bucky." Belle looked up at him, seeing the pain in his eyes. He made a sacrifice, that much she could tell.  "You know I would never..."

"You don't have to explain.  Belle, you have never asked for a thing. I know you love this punk and that's all the reason I need to know on why you are here, ok?"

A ding came from the kitchen.  "The lasagna is ready," Belle mumbled.

"I got it." Bucky straightened up.  "It smells good."

"Let it cool James or you are going to burn your mouth."

Bucky pouted.  "Fine."  He winked at her as he walked out.

Belle continued to cuddle into Steve. "I don't know how to feel.  I feel numb."

Steve continues to stroke her back, his hand on the outside of her thigh, running circles on her flesh. "I don't know how to answer you sweet pea.  Just know that I would never think that about you. If anything, I spoil you.  Its my purpose now in life to spoil my princess." He tickled her sides, and she giggles.  She pressed a kiss to his lips and got up.

"We need to take care of Bucky.  He's hurting." She stretched her hand out to him to help him up.

"You are such a good friend, sweet pea. Maybe you should reach out to your other friends and have them come by."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now