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The morning was peaceful.  Belle woke up, deliciously sore from the night before but still no Steve in bed with her.  Could she do that?  Get fucked and then left alone?  For now, she could for how good she was feeling.

She got up and showered, taking care to wash her face since she didn't remove the makeup the night before.  Once she was dressed, she headed downstairs to find it empty.  She decided to prepare breakfast, making omelets for Steve and Bucky.  As she was finishing the prep, the men walked in, sweaty from an obvious bout of exercise.

"Good morning sweetheart," Steve called.

"Good morning." She continued with her work.  "Breakfast will be ready in 15."

"Excellent."  Bucky was elated. "Punk, I'll trade dishes every weekend if Belle keeps cooking."

Steve let out a laugh, "deal Jerk.  We'll be right back sweetheart."  They walked off to their rooms to clean up.

Belle finished cooking, plating the food and setting the table.  As she was placing the plates on the table, Steve showed and wrapped an arm around her.  "How did you sleep?"

"Fine.  A little lonely."


"I like sleeping next to you.  I understand we aren't supposed to but I haven't signed the contract so I had hoped you would."

"You need to get used to the fact that sometimes I won't."  She pouted at his words. "Don't pout or I will take you over my knee," he said sternly.  She pulled her bottom lip back in and moved to sit at the table.  Bucky walked back in and they ate in relative silence.

Bucky broke it first.  "So how was the benefit?"  Belle tried to hide her smile.  "Ok, what's with that smile?"

"Isabella knows how to play poker," Steve said with a sip of coffee.  "She had a good night."

"Really?  I wanna see those skills sometime."

"Sure," she said mischievously.

Steve rolled his eyes.  "She'll take the shirt right off your back, Buck."

Bucky took a bite with a smirk until he realized, "she took you down, didn't she?"

Belle couldn't help but laugh.  Her peals of laughter echoed off the walls as Steve tried to be mad but could only smile. Bucky started to laugh as well.  As he slowed, he said, "oh she is so invited to the next poker night with Bird Brain and Tin Man."

"Not a chance," Steve said with a smile.  "I might lose my empire to her."

They finished up breakfast and Steve took her around the penthouse, showing all the rooms including the staff quarters.  Steve announced he needed to check in with the office and Belle unconsciously pouted at the thought of being alone.  She headed up to her bedroom to organize it the way she liked it.  She was re-folding when a shadow was cast over her.  She looked up to see Steve leaning on the doorway, his arms crossed in front of her.

"Didn't I say I would take you over my knee if you pouted?"

Belle stood up.  "I didn't." 

"Yes, you did Isabella.  I saw you when I said I had to check something at the office.  Now that's two offenses." He strode into the room and pulled her towards him.  She stood in front of him, licking her lips, her throat drying up.  "Over my lap, princess."

Belle laid over his lap and he placed an arm on her back, pining her to him.  With the other, he slowly raised her dress and pulled down her panties.  He rubbed her ass.  "Do you know why you are being punished?"

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now