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"Sweetheart, come take a seat." Steve could see the anger boiling under the skin of his beloved. This was exactly what he had been trying to avoid. Fuck Sharon Carter for doing this to his girl but now he was concerned. The HYDRA comment was concerning. Belle allowed him to guide her to a seat.

"Steve, what don't I know? I don't understand why she would say these things."

"I know sweet pea, I can explain some of it. But I have a few questions. Can I ask those first?"

"As long as I get the truth, fine."

"What exactly did she say?"

"She said she couldn't understand how I weaseled my way into your life when I'm an orphan. That I was the heir of a group who didn't exist. That my parents were murdered, and my dad was killed. And then she said those words."

Steve sighed and looked at his teammates. He looked back at his wife, noting that anger had turned to fear and anxiety. He took her hands. "Ok, baby, I don't know why she said that phrase. That is something we are going to look into." He looked at Bucky who nodded but Steve could tell he was holding back the 'I told you so.'

"Ok, but what about the rest of it."

"Sweet pea, I knew your father."

Belle felt like the floor was pulled from under her. "What?"

Nat spoke up. "He was an agent of SHIELD. I worked very closely with him." Nat has the decency to look contrite at the lie.

"You worked with him. You all knew him?" Belle tried to breathe.

Steve took a deep breath. "I met him when I first came out of the ice. He introduced me to Nat and Tony right before the battle of New York. There was an incident on the ship we were on. Your father fought bravely.

"He was fighting?"

"He was my love. But unfortunately, the person he was fighting got the upper hand and he died. I am so sorry."

"How long did you know I was his daughter?"

"Since that night we reunited, when you explained about your family."

Belle began to pace. "My family. My family that I know nothing about." She saw a look cross Steve's face. "You know. You know what Sharon is talking about, don't you?" She looked at the other Avengers in the room, Clint having slipped in as well. "You all know."

Steve had a look of sorrow. Had he been honest when they found out, maybe the look of anger, rage, pain, would not be crossing her face right now. He sighed. "When the people tried to take you, there was a note delivered to Stark Tower. The note asked for their heir to be returned."

"I don't understand."

"Sweetheart, there is a reason Phil Coulson took you in after your parents died," Bucky explained. "They were running and were in hiding. You somehow survived the crash and SHIELD took you in."

"Why?" Belle wiped away an errant tear from her face. "Who am I?"

Steve looked into her eyes. "Your mother's name is not Maria Davis. Its Silvia Maria Pierce. She was the daughter of Alexander Pierce, the former head of Hydra. You are the natural heir of HYDRA."

You could hear a pin drop. Steve was sure Belle had stopped breathing.

"Belle, honey," Clint started, "please, breathe."

She got up and looked out the window, rain splattering the windows. "You knew this whole time and you didn't think, maybe Belle should know."

"Sweet pea..."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now