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Three months later...

Isabella Davis should be happy.

She is living with the man she loves, a powerful man, a hero, the love of her life, Steve Rogers

Isabella Davis has never felt more alone.


Living with two men was a new experience. The first month went by smoothly with Steve and Belle getting used to each other. But as the next month started, Steve and Bucky were busy all the time with the business. While she didn't regret her decision, she missed her old life. The ability to hang out without the threat of a kidnapping hanging over her head. And consequently, things had changed again.

Steve has been working hard. But not at Grant. No, he left that to Nat and Sam to deal with for the time being. He and Bucky had been working leads, tiny leads, on who was trying to get to Belle. Steve wanted to clear every lead, every mere instance of danger so that he could move their lives forward.

Unfortunately, with that, a lot of time was spent away from home, leaving Belle lonely. But since the dinner a few months ago, Belle had been in contact with her friends. Not Lila, who effectively blocked Belle from all social media. Hope and MJ explained that Lila took some time away and stayed with her family, trying to understand what had happen. Belle was remorseful that her friend was hurt but not for asking her to leave.

But her other friends rallied. Lunch dates with Hope and Scott were planned, dinner and movie nights at Peter and MJ's were a regular thing. Clint stayed by her side, but the agreement still stood. He didn't disclose the details to Steve or Bucky, just acknowledging she was safe.

On a girls' night, Belle spilled about her life with Steve. "He's so experienced. It's weird and awesome all at the same time."

"I bet," MJ said, drinking her wine. "Like do you guys experiment?"

Hope giggled. "That's the juicy bit. Scott, he tries, bless him, but we just end up laughing in the end."

"Peter is flexible," MJ said. "So am I. It leads to the neighbors complaining on occasion."

"Oh god," Belle covers her face. "Now I am even more grateful that Steve has the whole floor." They all laugh as MJ refills.

Belle stumbles in a few hours later after Clint dropped her off at the door. She drops her jacket on the floor, the crisp early October air coming in with the elevator. She kicks off her heels and heads to the kitchen for a snack. She looks to see that the apartment is still, and she sighs. She text MJ and Hope.

B: I need a getaway weekend. The apartment is too empty

H: you can always stay with one of us

MJ: true. Peter is working on a project and he's flying out of town next weekend.

H: I'm sure Scott can hang with people. Make it a girls' weekend

B: sounds good to me.

And it did. Steve was home Saturday but working and Belle distracted herself with lesson plans. While she was happy that he was home, she missed the intimacy more and more. As Friday approached, Belle decides to head to MJ's early after work. Steve was on a business trip and hadn't been in contact. She had no idea when he was supposed to return. As she packed her case, he strolled in, removing his jacket and tie. "Sweet pea?"

"Oh. You're back." She placed a small kiss on his lips and return to her case.

"Where are you going?"

"To MJ's. Girls' weekend." Belle zipped it closed as Clint appeared in the doorway. "Can you take this Clint?"

"No problem, Belle. Be back in a moment."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now