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The car pulled up, allowing Clint and Belle to take in the church.  "You sure you don't want me to walk you down?"

"No, it's been me for so long." Belle looked at him.  "This is the last time I walk alone."

Clint smiled.  "Our newest Avenger." He cupped her cheek, "he would be proud."

Belle's eyes watered. "He would?"

Clint cleared his throat, realizing he almost gave the secret away.  "I'm a father.  And if my daughter is half the person, you are, I would be over the moon proud.  So yeah, I think he would be proud."

"Thank you, Clint." 

The attendant opened the door and the girls and Clint helped Belle out of the car.  Dressed fluffed, veil in place, Clint waited by the door, still on duty until the doors closed. The wedding planner organized everyone and got the first song started. Everyone started the processional in, and Belle was beginning to tremble.  Clint took notice and closed the church doors.  "Hey, you ok?"

"I just," Belle looked at him pleading.

"Steve is gonna take care of you.  If I didn't think so, I would say." Clint smiled at her.  They heard the music change again.  "Ready?"

She took a deep breath.  "I'm ready."

Clint helped her walk to the center and then moved away.  The doors opened as everyone stood.

Steve saw her for the first time and his mouth opened slightly in shook.  A vision glided towards him.  His princess.  His queen. His love.  She walked alone but stood tall, her gown floating around her. Her hair pulled into an elegant knot at the back of her head but a few strands framing it.  She had dark red lips that made her violet eyes stand out. The earrings he had gifted her that morning adorned her ears, little drop of diamonds.  His engagement ring sparkled on her fingers that were wrapped around a bouquet of roses and hydrangeas that had a ribbon of navy and gold.  As she made it to the front, he stepped down to help her up the few steps to the alter.  "Hi."

"Hi," she replied shyly.

"You look beautiful, my love."  He kissed her knuckles.

"You look so handsome my king," she replied.  They turned and faced the priest.

The wedding itself was simple. Steve only tensed for a millisecond when the priest had asked the congregation if there were any objections and silence met the question.  When it came time for the vows, Belle and Steve elected to write their own.  Steve cleared his throat as he faced his bride.

"Isabella, you came into my life in a flurry of legs and paperwork."  The crowd chuckled.  "You were a hurricane, slow at first but quickly becoming a whirlwind that took my world upside down.  I am forever grateful that you did.  You have shown me compassion, loyalty, true love.  You are the center of my boring world, and you are making it colorful again. I promise to keep making you coffee, bring you snacks, listen to you play.  I promise to care, honor, love, protect and cherish you for every moment of my life."

He looked at his girl and wiped away an errant tear as she drew a shaking breath before starting.

"Steven, you have been my rock, my savior, my north star in the dark.  Since the day I met you, you have been everything I needed. And everything I didn't know I wanted. I am forever in your debt for saving me from my own boring life. You are my king, my protector, my lover and my best friend.  I walked alone to you because I know it was the last time I will.  I promise to stand by your side, be your confidant, your sounding board, your inspirations, be your friend. I promise to try and not put my cold toes on you, but you know I will, not leave everything everywhere.  I promise to keep loving you, cherish you for all the days of my life."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now