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After Belle calmed down and Steve unpacked, Steve took Belle on a hike around the area. "I built the house here for the privacy. Tony, he owns the land around the lake and let me have some."

"It's beautiful." Belle took in the peacefulness of the area. "I can see why you can get some tranquility here."

Steve took her hand and squeezed gently. "I'm hoping you and I can get some peace and understanding while we are here."

"Is that what you want?"

"It is Belle. You have to know how sorry I am I let it get here, sweet pea. I never wanted to hurt you."

"But you did. You left me. I was so alone. You promised."

Steve sighed. "I know I did."

"And you still left. Why?"

Steve stopped her and looked her in the eyes. "Isabella, the thought of losing you, losing the one person in the world that I would pick up the shield again for, is terrifying. You have no idea how much you have changed me. How you made me look at the world differently. Its you baby, all you. And I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't do everything in my power to protect you."

Belle took in his words but needed to express what she was feeling inside. All the doubts and second guesses. "I didn't feel loved anymore. We have such an intense relationship Steve. And it just suddenly changed." She closed her eyes and faced away from him. "Maybe if we weren't together..."

"Don't. Isabella, don't even go there. Nothing would change the fact that I would burn down the world for you."

"But if you didn't know me, then you wouldn't be so worried."

"I would worry anyways. And I think I would still find you. Because you are my other half, sweet pea. You are my perfect match. Yes, I screwed up and yes, I probably deserved to have that feeling of despair when I saw you with that guy. But all it showed me is that I need to get my head outta my ass and fight for the woman that I love. I love you so much. I hate that it took for some asshole to be all over my girl for me to see the amazing woman that you are."

"I didn't like kissing him you know. It was different, weird. It wasn't you." Belle looked up at him. "It wasn't my amore. I'm so sorry that I let it happen."

"I don't blame you. I blame myself." Steve pulled her closer. "I'm gonna show you this week how much I love you and how much I need you."


The next morning, Belle awoke next to Steve. She studied him as he slept, his features more boyish in his sleep. She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before getting up to make coffee. She took her mug and sat on the loungers outside overlooking the water, a blanket covering her. She thought about the conversation from yesterday. Maybe they both overreacted to the conversation. She remembered what they had promised each other in the beginning. That they would talk.

She pulled the notebook she had with her and wrote down a list.

Things we need to talk about

1. Disappearing
2. Threats
3. More dates
4. Sharon
5. Scheduling a weekly date

"You should probably add no flirting with other men," a voice behind her said, causing her to jump.

"Bucky! Seriously!"

"Sorry, I thought you heard me." Bucky chuckled as he sat next to her. "I came to get some coffee as the annex was out."

"Jerk," she mumbled. "You could have stayed here, you know."

"And listen to you and Steve and your 'relations'? No thank you."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now