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The rest of the day was awkward for Belle. She couldn't avoid Tony, but she kept her interaction with him short. She was fuming; he had no right, no say in her life. He wasn't her father. At 3PM, Maria Hill called in all of the exiting interns for a glass of champagne and a toast. After, she had an exit interview with Pepper. At 355, she packed up her small personal items. "Belle?"

She looked up to see Tony standing there. "Anything else before I go, Mr. Stark?"

"No, I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean that Steve isn't a good guy just that I wanted you to be smart and safe."

Tony was feeling the guilt more today. But Belle didn't need to know that. She didn't need to know that he had known her father. Not really friends, but close. He thought back to day...


"Phil!" Pepper stood up to greet the SHIELD agent.

"Uh, his first name is Agent."

Tony couldn't believe the man had breached his security and tried to deflect him. Pepper had convinced him to read over the incident with the tesseract. He would be meeting with others including Captain Steven Rogers, the man who worked with his father on Project Rebirth. As Pepper made her way out with Agent Coulson, he overheard their conversations.

"I want to hear all about that cellist."

"She moved back to Portland. Belle is pretty upset about it..."


Tony arrived at the helicarrier and Phil's walking him to the conference room. Tony's offer to fly him to Portland. "Just pick a day, keep love alive."

"I can't, have to get back to my daughter."


"Yeah, Belle." He showed a photo of a sweet looking girl with dark hair and blue eyes. "She's off radar so if you..."

"Yeah, sure no problem." Tony had arrived to the conference room...


Captain Rogers and Tony stood in the cell area, looking at the blood-stained wall where Phil Coulson had died.

"Was he married?"

"No, there was..." Tony hesitated. She's off radar... "there was a cellist." Tony kept his secret until he could talk to Fury.


It was a couple of days after New York. "What is going to happen to her?"

Fury looked at him. "A couple of agents picked her up when Loki became a problem and took her to New Jersey. She's being placed there for her safety."

"I'd like to sponsor her until she's done with school. The least I could do for Coulson."

"I'll make arrangements for her to receive it as a scholarship if you'd like."

"Thanks. Let's just keep that between us for now. The rest of the team doesn't have to know."

"Tony, there is something you need to know before we move forward..."


"Thank you, Mr. Stark. I do have to go." She picked up her bag.

"I'll walk you out." They made their way to the elevators in silence. Tony cleared his throat. "So, training in a month?"

"Yeah, this will be weird. Teaching."

"You'll be great. Your graduation is next Friday?"

"Yeah at 6 PM."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now