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A/N: When I started this story one year ago, I never thought I would get here, 101,100 words, 45 chapters and a story that has been a joy to write. To those who have been with me from the beginning, thank you so much for your support. To those who climbed on board my crazy train, thank you for not jumping off.

I now present to you the final chapter of "Yours, Submissively."

Three Years Later...

"James! Lucy! Get back here!"

Belle chased after her children as they ran around the bridal sweet. The giggles and shouts filled the room as the ring bearer and flower girl chased each other in their own game of tag. Morgan itched to join but her mother was trying to fix her hair piece that had fallen out.

"Whoa! What is going on here?" Steve stood in the doorway as his children froze.

"Only took you five minutes after my text," Belle complained with her hands on her hips.

"Sorry, sweet pea, we were having a toast to Bucky. How's the bride?"

"She needs a drink herself," Ava piped in. Steve sucked in a breath.

"Ava, you look beautiful. Bucky is a lucky man."

"Thanks Steve." She blushed at her former boss's compliment.

Belle elbowed Steve and he grunted. "You look gorgeous as always, sweet pea." He grinned, looking like a young man again.

Belle giggled. Her children started up again, but Steve swooped and picked them up. "Jamie, Lucy, are you supposed to be running in your nice clothes?"

"We want to get married already Papa!" Lucy wiggled in his arms.

"And who do you think you are marrying Princess?"

"Jamie, duh." Her three-year-old attitude shining through as Steve laughed. "Uncle Bucky gets to marry Auntie Ava. Morgan said that she gets to marry Uncle Peter when she's bigger but I always want to be with Jamie, so I'll marry him."

The beauty of logic for three-year-olds. Steve sighed, put his children down and kneeled in front of his daughter. "Princess, you don't have to marry Jamie for him to be with you forever. He's your brother, he'll always be there for you."

"Just like you Papa?"

"Just like me. Now, no more running around until after church, ok? If your Mama has to call me, there will be timeout and no cake."

She nodded with big eyes. Lucy was truly daddy's princess, and she would always obey her father. Her older brother, however, was his rebel and only really listened to his idol, Uncle Bucky. "Young man, Uncle Bucky told me to tell you that you better behave or no launch pad." Steve was curious what the hell launch pad was but it was something that his son looked horrified to lose so he didn't question it.

'No! Daddy, tell him I'm good.'

"Ok, you have to listen to Mama or else, James." His son grimaces but nods, understanding that losing his favorite game is worse. Steve stand and finally takes in his wife, in a dusty rose ball gown, the tiny swell of her belly holding their third child showing. He walked over and grasped her face, tilting it towards him. "You do look amazing today, my love." He placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Belle could hear her son gagging over his father's affection for his mother, a learned trait from his uncle no doubt. "You look just as handsome amore."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now