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Bucky drove the SUV through the street of Manhattan with ease.  Steve never let go of Belle's hand until they reached the main entrance of the venue.  Belle sucked her breath in until Steve squeezed her hand.  "I promised, you don't have to walk with the cameras.  Bucky is going to take you through the service entrance, and I'll meet you there." He lifted her hand to kiss the knuckles.  "I'll see you inside." 

She smiled.  "Thank you, Steve."  She scooted away from the door, and he exited to a lot of flashes.  Bucky quickly closed the door so no one would see her. He climbed back in and drove to the back of the building. 

"Can I ask why you are so scared?"

"My father valued our privacy.  Even if he had a high tense job, he wanted me to be as normal as possible."

"Why would he be concerned if you were in the spotlight?"

"Dunno."  She shrugged. "He never explained.  He never let me into the work part of his life." 

Bucky parked and opened Belle's door and helped her out.  "Well, if anything, I'll protect you."  

"Thanks Bucky.  James... hmmm." She looked down. 

"Ok, you held back on the ramble.  What?" He said as he pushed the button for the elevator. 

"I don't know which one I like better." 

"Bucky, please.  James means I'm in trouble," he said with a laugh. 

"Ok, noted.  James all the time then," she said with a smirk. 

"You are perfect for Steve. Smartass," he said with a grumble. 

Belle giggled as the elevator reached the floor they needed to be on.  Steve was waiting.  "Thanks Buck." 

"Any time Cap."  Bucky went back down. 

Steve placed Belle's hand in the crook of his arm and started to guide her through the venue. A question was bothering Belle and she blurted out, "Why doesn't Bucky ever join these events if he is a former Avenger as well?"

Steve thought for a moment. "He has the mentality that people still see him as ... not the good guy. He would rather remain in the shadows."   

"But he's a hero." 

"Some people don't see that." 

"Well, some people are morons." Belle rolled her eyes as they approached the hosts of the evening.  To which Belle had forgotten to ask who they were before arriving.  Had she, maybe she wouldn't be completely stunned and awkward in front of her boss. 

"Steve! Good to see you..." Tony trailed off as he noticed Belle on his arm.  Pepper nudged him to bring him back.  "Belle, what a surprise." 

"Mr. and Mrs. Stark, it's nice to see you again."  Belle could tell she was red all over, unsure of how to act in front of her employers. 

"Belle, please, call me Pepper."  She stepped in, unsure as to why her husband was reacting the way he was.  "You look gorgeous tonight.  I love this dress." 

"Thank you Mrs.... I mean Pepper." Belle fidgeted with her dress.  "I was told not to be formal and..."

"It's perfect.  Have you ever played in a casino?"  Pepper handed Belle a glass of champagne. 

"An actual one? No. Just among friends." 

"Well, have fun with the tables.  Blackjack, craps, roulette, Texas hold 'em.  Let me get you your chips for the evening."  She handed her and Steve a rack of chips each, $100 dollar chips. "Have fun." 

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now