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As the end of Thursday approached Belle couldn't help but fell a sense of sadness. Steve has called or texted every day but as graduation grew closer, all she could feel was the weight of missing her dad. As she left her final exam, she messaged Lilia.

B: I'm going to be in Brooklyn tonight

L: Same Place?

B: Yeah. Feeling it today

L: Be careful. Call a cab if it gets late

B: Thanks Li.

Belle took the subway into Brooklyn, headphones in, getting lost in the music.

Meanwhile, Bucky and Steve made their way to Jersey. They decided they wanted to surprise Lila and Isabella for the end of finals. "Can't believe we're dating college seniors," Bucky said with a laugh.

"I didn't expect that either but here we are." Steve knocked on the door.

Lila opened the door. "Mr. Rogers? Bucky, what are you doing here?"

"We wanted to take you and Belle to dinner," Bucky explained. "To celebrate the end of finals."

Lila chewed her lip. "She's not here." Lila looked at the men nervously. "She went to be alone for a bit."

"Where?" Steve demanded. "Miss Stevens, tell me where she is now!" He took a step towards her.

"Pal, be calm," Bucky said, placing himself between them. "We can track her phone. Its fine." Bucky tapped on his phone. "She's in Brooklyn. At some piano bar."

"Just leave her be," Lila pleads. "She's missing her dad and needs a moment alone. The owner and the bartender know her. They'll keep an eye out. Please?"

"I have to know she's ok." Steve went downstairs, not waiting for Bucky. He climbed into a passing cab and gave the address to the only piano bar he knew of in Brooklyn.

Belle sat in a booth on the side, hiding in the shadows. She sipped her drink, a coke, not wanting to get lost in the alcohol.

"Next up, we have the extraordinary talents of Belle Davis."

Belle got up and went to the piano. The overhead lights made it impossible to see anyone in the crown but she could still hear them. But it was what she needed. To have people hear her but not anyone she cared for. They would want to help when there isn't anything they can do. She touched the keys and played the intro to a song that resonated in her heart.

I tried to talk to my piano
I tried to talk to my guitar
Talking my imagination
Confided into alcohol
I tried and tried and tried some more
Told secrets 'til my voice was sore
Tired of empty conversations
'cause no one hears them anymore

She thought back to her dad. Making her practice the piano. "Belle, you practice and it make it perfect. Try again."

A hundred million stories
And a hundred million songs
I feel stupid when I sing
Nobody's listening to me
Nobody's listening
I talk to shooting starts but they always get it wrong
I feel stupid when I pray
So, why am I praying anyway?
When nobody's listening

Phil watching her train at kickboxing. "Don't pull your punches sweetheart. The dummy can't hurt you back."

Anyone, please send me anyone
Lord is there anyone
I need someone, oh
Anyone, please send me anyone
Lord, is there anyone?
I need someone.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now