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"Belle?! Isabella?!" Steve was yelling in the phone, frantic.  He heard movement.

A second man picked up the phone.  "You want her, Captain? Come get her."

Steve stared at the phone.  His head snapped up.  He touched his comms.  "Sam?"

"I'm landing." There was a muffle. "We need EMTs on the corner of State and Henry.  I have a total of four down, three DOA." 

Steve blanched. "Bucky?"

"Alive.  Two shots, one critical.  EMTs are here and taking him to Brooklyn General."

"Who are the others?"

Steve could tell Sam was hesitating.  "One of them is Disktant. Shot in the neck.  He bled out.  The others I don't know.  I'm connecting to the security systems around here to see what happened."

"Sam, they were after Belle."


"She called for me to find her, but she was taken.  Clint and I are headed to her last known location.  Just get the intel and well reconvene. Sam," he sighed, "get Bucky back to the tower."

"On it, Cap."

Steve turned to the remaining team. "Stark, you and Nat start working with Friday to see who and where. Wanda, Vision, I need you back ASAP.  Clint, you, Peter and I need to get to Brooklyn.  We need to find her and fast."

"Alright, you heard Cap," Tony said.  He walked by Steve and clapped his shoulder.  "We'll find her."

Clint drove Steve and Peter to the diner, see the police cars surrounding it.  Steve approached the officer in charge. "Captain, I'm Lieutenant Provenza, officer in charge."

"What happened?"

"A young lady entered the diner and sat at the back.  No clean look at her on security.  She made a call and the waitress said she look distressed.  Two men entered through the back.  Video of them is clear but we have no hits on identity.  They approached the girl, grabbing the phone, speaking to someone as they took the girl to the back. They dropped her phone and glasses."  He waived a tech forward and he brought out the evidence bags.  "They got into a van, no plates."

"Lieutenant, the girl taken is my wife, Isabella Rogers.  We need an APB for her right away along with the description of the van.  It was me she was talking to on the phone."

"Right away Captain. Any reason she was out her all alone?"

"We had a disagreement. Sargent Barnes had accompanied her, but he was shot a few blocks away."

"Understood.  We'll put out an emergency APB on her right away." The lieutenant walked away to speak to the officers when Steve's phone rang.  "Sam?"

"Bucky's wounds are serious but non-life threatening.  He'll be awake in a couple of hours.  I have his phone."

"Can you check to see how he found Belle?"

"I'm checking.  The last notifications are text between him and Paul about a car and a doorbell video."

"Doorbell video?"

"Yeah, hang on." He could hear Sam fiddle with the phone.  "Shit, Cap, he found where Belle had gone."



Steve motioned for Clint and Peter. "I'm headed there now.  Thanks Sam.  Keep me updated for when he wakes."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now