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Sunlight creeped across the hardwood from the floor to ceiling windows.  The blackout shades weren't all the way to the floor, but it allowed the room to remain dark.  Belle felt herself wake and turnover.  She realized that action should have dropped her from her twin bed at home. She opened her eyes and looked at the unfamiliar nightstand in front of her.  She looked at the soft sheets, dark red.  She sat up slowly, taking in the room.

Wood tone furniture decorated the room but sparse, just a couple of chairs and a small coffee table in addition to the nightstands.  Belle looked down and saw herself in an unfamiliar shirt.  She was scared to move but managed to look over to the other side of the bed.  It was empty but slept in.  She looked back at the nightstand and saw some tablets and some water.  The pill bottle was next to it, so she knew it was safe to take the medicine.   Her head told her she needed to take whatever it was.  She swallowed and then moved her legs off the bed.

The cold air hit her legs.  She started to panic.  What happened last night?  She heard the door open, and she pulled her legs back under the covers.  Steve walks in, sweat on his brow and his shirt soaked.  "Good morning."

"Uh... morning."  Belle stared at the man, not sure if it was a good morning or not.  "How... ummm... when... ok, sorry."

"Breathe Isabella."  Steve sat on the edge of the bed in front of her.

Belle closed her eyes and took a deep breathe.  "What happened?"

"Before or after your drunken phone call?"

Belle dropped her head into her hands.  "After," she said behind muffled hands.

Steve gently pulled her hands away from her face.  "I brought you home after you passed out in my arms."

"How did you find me?"

"It's easy to track a phone, Isabella.  They have an app for that."

"Great. Perfect." Belle looked around.  "We're in your bedroom?"


"Did you undress me?"


"Did we... did we do anything?"

"No Isabella.  I'm not that guy.  I won't do something without your explicit consent."

Belle closed her eyes in relief.  She took another steadying breath. "Why am I here?"

"I didn't know where you lived.  Lila told me to take care of you."

"Where are my clothes?"

"Bucky brought you some new ones."  He gestured to the shopping bag she missed on the chair. "The shower is through there if you like.  I'll use the guest one." He walked into another door and came out with some clothes. "You are quiet this morning. Not as lively as last night.  Are you planning on behaving today?"

"Oh god." She laid back on the pillow. "What did I do?"

"I only have bits and pieces Isabella.  You called me, you were inebriated, I found you with a guy kissing you, I pulled him off and then you passed out.  You were entertaining."

"Well as long as I was entertaining." Belle covered her face with the pillow, hoping it would suffocate her.  She felt the material pull away from her.

"Are you ok?"

"If you are ok with the ground swallowing me whole, then not yet because it hasn't happened."

Steve chuckled.  "Come.  Get refreshed. I'll take you to breakfast." He left the room.

Belle waited a moment before getting up and grabbing the bag. Jeans, a beautiful top and undergarments were in the bag.  Curiously it was all in her size.  She walked through the door indicated to find a gorgeous bathroom that was bigger than her apartment.  She showered quickly, skipping washing her hair. She pulled it up into a bun and got dressed.  She exited back to the room, where Steve was reading the paper.   "Feel better?"

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now