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Four months later...

Steve walked down to the cells, lost in thought. He looked tired, deep in his emotions. Dressed in all black as he had been for months, he brought down a small package with him, a gift for an old friend.  As he walked through the empty cells, he thought back through his life.  How one person changed his life.  As he approached the final cell, he sighed.  "Hello Sharon."

"Steve!  I didn't think you would visit me."  Sharon Carter looked dirty, tired, her blonde hair dull and flat.  She had been in the cell for four months, stood trial and found guilty of treason and attempted murder.  She had planned Belle's demise and now she would pay for it tomorrow with her life.

Beck had left details of his plans and the players, all but sealing their fate when they were captured. It was the little solace that Steve found that justice had somewhat been served.  This was the final piece.  This person, not even a woman, had ended his hopes of a peaceful life. "I brought you something."

"A present for my execution. How curious." Sharon looked at the man she loved with sorrow.  He was in pain, mourning.  "I could help you feel good," she said with a sly smile.

"Only my wife could do that," Steve snarled at her.  "You are getting what you deserve."

"I wouldn't have done it if I knew she was pregnant Steve."

"You're a liar! You wanted Belle gone!"

"I loved you!"

"And I hate you," he growled.  He threw the box through the slot in the glass.

"What is it?"

"Open it and see." He stood in front of her, arms crossed.

Sharon opened the box carefully.  She looked in saw a blue cloth. She pulled it out.  It was a blue onesie.  A tear formed in her eye when she spotted the pink color in the box.  Another onesie.  "Steve, I am..."

"Save it!" Steve thought back to the day his life was turned upside down...


He jumped onto the jet with Belle and he and Bucky immediately started pressure on her as Tony flew, Wanda started IVs.  Peter, Nat, Sam and Clint stayed behind to gather intel and clear the scene.  As soon as the gauze was in place, Steve held Belle's hand and the other on her belly.  "Please baby, please, don't leave me," he wept.

"Two minutes Cap," Tony called out.  "Where is she shot?"

"The abdomen," Bucky called back. "Its slowing but I don't know about..." he trailed off.

"I love you," Steve whispered to Belle, kissing her knuckles.  "I need you.  I need our family baby please, just stay alive."

Tony landed the jet at the hospital and Steve picked up Belle and ran her in.  "Please help, my wife, she's pregnant and she's been shot. Please."  The doctors and nurses ran forward with a gurney and started to run her back.  Steve made to follow but a nurse stopped him.

"We need to work on your wife.  Please wait here."

"Please, just do whatever you need to save them."

"We'll do everything we can." She turned to run after the gurney and Steve felt Bucky and Tony's hands on his shoulders. His shoulders shagged and he began to sob.  The guys moved him to the chairs to wait.  Steve became quiet, staring at a spot on the floor.  Time felt like it was moving so slow.  The rest of the team showed up, sitting around. Tony began to pace as Pepper brought in coffee and snacks.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now