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Steve and Belle had a wonderful honeymoon, visiting England, France and Italy for their honeymoon. Steve made sure that Belle saw everything she wanted. Belle made sure to keep Steve satisfied every night and morning. They woke to each other's touches and kisses, lazy sex in the mornings, passionate love in the evenings. As they laid together the morning before their return home, Steve played with her fingers as they drew circles on his bare chest, the sheet covering his lower half. "Ready to go home?"

"No," Belle replied from her position on her side, the sheet covering her chest but her bare legs out. "Dunno how to be a wife so I'm a little nervous."

"Kinda glad you don't, seeing how I'm your first for everything." He picked up her fingers to kiss each pad.

"Hmm, well Mr. Rogers, you don't know anything about being a husband, so I think for the first time we are on the same playing field."

Steve chuckled. "I guess you're right. So, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Belle looked at him thoughtfully, "would it be wrong that I don't want to go back to the school?"

Steve looked shocked but then concerned. "Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, its just. It's not my passion, amore. I don't love it."

Steve understood that. When the shield lost it shine, so to speak, he moved on. "So, what would you like to do?"

"For now, learn to be a CEO's wife. Pepper and Natasha have informed me that there are a lot of things to learn, and I want to take the time to learn it before I do what I really want to do."

Steve was curious. "I mean, sweet pea, you don't have to stop your career to do that".

"I know but, Steve, you are an important person and I want to be helpful in that. When we settle, then I want..." she hesitated.

"Want what my love? You can tell me."

"I want to see about opening a restaurant. A little café where I can cook and stuff." She bit her lip and looked away.

"Don't be embarrassed, love." Steve moved to cage her in. "I remember when you said it was your dream." He began to kiss her neck and jawline, pulling the sheet away. "I think I could help with that," he whispered in her ear as he reached down to let a finger slide in her folds. She mewled and her hips floated up. "Help with finding you a place." He kissed lower on her chest. "Taste test. Marketing." He tugged on one of her nipples. "I think it's a great idea."

"Stevie, please."

"Are you distracted princess? Tell me what you need. Because I love your idea." He sank a finger in, and she moaned as he moved. "I think it's perfect."

"Sir, please! Please!"

"Please what, Isabella."

She looked up at her husband with big eyes. She leaned up to him. "I need you to fuck me as hard as you can, my king," she whispered.

Steve smirked. "Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint my wife." He took away his hand and sat on his haunches. He stroked his cock a few times with the hand covered in her juices. He then lifted her legs to be around his waist as he lined himself to her and pushed in to the hilt. Belle moaned loudly, and Steve rutted into her slowly but deeply, hitting her spot with every stroke. Belle grasped his forearms as she tried to ground herself from the intense pleasure. "Feel what you do to me love?"

"God, yes, it feels so good."

Steve slowly dragged his cock in and out, loving how Belle felt around him. "So tight and warm. My perfect little wife. My princess." He thrusted harder. "My queen."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now