Primero *

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Steve walked Belle to his bedroom. He lowered the blinds from the harsh New York sun, shrouding the room in darkness. He walked back to Belle. He tilted her head up. "Is this ok?"

"Steve," she whispered, unsure of what to say.

"Baby you have to talk to me, ok? If you don't want this, I'll take you home."

Belle looked into his eyes; the blue darkened by his pupils being wide. She put her hands around his neck and pulled him down gently. Their lips touched gently, the perfect first kiss. Steve pulled away gently.

"Isabella, you have to talk to me."

"I'm scared but I want this."

"Are you sure?"

"Steve, will you take care of me?"

"Always Isabella." He kissed her again, feeling his tongue on her lips and she moaned. He tasted divine. "Can I take this off?" He tugged at her shirt. She nodded, unable to speak. Steve pulled it over her head. "You are beautiful Isabella."


"I've got you, ok? If you want me to stop, just say so."

"No, please don't stop."

Steve kneeled in front of her and kissed around her navel as he unbuttoned her jeans. She hitched her breath at the sensation. Steve smiled as he pulled her jeans down. "Step, sweetheart." Belle lifted her legs one at a time. "Good girl." Steve stood up and stepped back. He took in Belle in just her white lacy lingerie. "You're beautiful," he whispers.

Belle blushed and went to cover herself. He grabbed her arms. He took her fingers and kissed the pad of each one, listening to her sigh with desire. He kissed each wrist, feeling her pulse. He took her hands and placed them on his chest. "Undress me." Belle took her time with each button. She pushed his shirt down and looked up at him. "Keep going." She pulled on the belt, undoing it. She hesitated. "It's ok, Isabella." He kissed her and started to walk her backwards.

Her knees hit the edge of the bed. Steve lowered her slowly. "Are you still ok?"

"Yes," she breathed. He started to kiss her neck and down her chest. He reached and unhooked her bra, pulling the fabric away. He kissed softly, listening to the soft moans coming from her mouth. He continued south and pulled her panties away from her body. Steve stood over her and licked his lips. He removed his jeans and boxers, pulling a condom from the drawer. Belle couldn't help but stare. His body was like it was chiseled from marble; every line of his body defined. She didn't look down further, afraid of what the serum would have done to him.

He rolled on the condom and hovered over her. He kissed her. "I'm going to go slow ok. It might hurt at first. Just let me know." He lowered his hand down and caressed her folds. Belle let out a mewl at the sensation. "I just need to get you wet Isabella." He skated over her clit and slipped a finger in, causing her to gasp. "It's ok baby, just relax." He started to pump slowly. He could feel her relax and he added a second.

"Steve," she gasped. "I..." She couldn't describe what was happening. It felt like a coil tightening, threatening to break.

"It's ok baby. It's your body reacting. Let go, Isabella."

She felt herself clench and then peak and release, her voice gone from the overwhelming pleasure. Steve slowly stopped. He reached to his cock and pumped a few times. "Are you ready?" Belle nodded. Steve lined himself up and pushed in gently. He could feel Belle tense again, so he kissed her, distracting her from what was going on. He finally bottomed out and waited as her face was sill twisted slightly in pain. "Isabella?"

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now