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Belle was nervous.

Why wouldn't she be?

Here she was, back at the same club that set off a chain of events three months ago that changed her life.  Why on earth did she let MJ and Hope convince everyone else that this was good idea?

She sat nervously in the booth, glass of champagne in hand, wearing a ridiculous crown and sash while the rest of her party was dancing.  She looked at her phone and sent a message

B: Why did you let them do this to me.

S: not having fun?

B: not really

B: no strippers right?

S: I asked them not to sweet pea

B: I wish I was home with you

S: Me too

B: less than two weeks

S: And you'll be mine

B: I'm already yours

S: But I get to tell the whole world

B: I love you

S: I love you.  Try and have fun

Belle sighed and put her phone down.  She decided to go to the bar to get a drink away from her group.  She just needed a moment to herself.  As she waited, a body stood next to her to order.  "Gorgeous?"

She turned to look at the man who spoke.  She squeaked in surprise. "Paul?"

"It is you! Wow!" Paul Diskant stood next to her like a dream.  She swallowed when he took her in and zeroed in on her hand.  "This explains a lot," as he took her hand, her ring sparkling.

"It's not... that didn't happen until after," she tried to explain, pulling her hand away.

"No need to explain Belle.  I read the papers."  Paul took a swallow of his beer.

"Oh." Belle chewed her lip.  "I'm sorry.  About that night."

"What's to be sorry for.  You danced with me, and I made a move, you ran away.  Obviously, there was something else going on.  Why did you run?"

"Because he was there that night.  Told him to fuck off but instead he proposed." She looked at Paul with a shrug and a smile.  "I love him."

Paul smiled.  "That much I gathered.  So why are you out?"

"Bachelorette party.  It was a surprise." She frowned.  "I thought you were back in Los Angeles?"

"I got the job in New York.  I actually work for your husband's security team but it's my night off, so I came out with some of the guys I met."  He nodded towards a group of men who were hitting on some other woman.

"Ah, well, I'll let you get back to them.  It was nice to see you again Paul."

"The same Belle.  You're still as gorgeous as I remember.  Rogers is a very lucky man."  He gave her a kiss on her knuckles and walked away. Belle returned to her table just as shots were being served.

The next morning, Belle woke up with her head pounding, Steve flat out next to her.  She sighed when she took in his boyish looks as he slept.  She got up and headed to the bathroom and then the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for herself and Steve and Bucky.  She was scrolling through her social media, sipping her coffee when she sputtered.

Clear as day was a photo of herself and Paul at the club last night.  "Oh shit." She read the highlights of the article.  That she was there for her bachelorette and that a handsome man made a pass.  No idea how the couple left it.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now