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Steve woke before Belle. He watched her sleep, hands folded under head, like an angel. He smiled and softly kissed her, trying not to wake her. He pulled on some sweats and went to the kitchen. He made them a coffee and heard Bucky come in. "Hey Buck."

"Hey Steve." Bucky looked over Steve and noticed the soft smile. "You look happy."

Steve shrugged. "It was a good night."

"Did she talk to you?"

"A lot. Think we can make arrangements for the university on Wednesday?"

"Oh, so she actually talked to you."

"What do you mean?"

"She was hiding. The valedictorian thing. Lila outed her."


"Steve, she has no family remember. She doesn't want to be celebrated when she has no one to celebrate with. I told her we were her family, but she was really scared." Bucky sighed. "I've been digging but her adoption is not on record anywhere. I have no idea who this Phil guy is." He pulled out a picture and offered it to Steve.

"Where did you get that? No! Don't show me. That would violate her trust. If she wanted to share that with me, she will. Put it back."

"Alright, alright." Bucky put the picture back in his bag. "So, we're going to a luncheon."

"I guess so. I need to work on a gift for her." Steve poured the coffees and handed Bucky his. "I need to wake her. We got stuff to do."

"What stuff?"

"I want to take her to a shop for decorations for her room."

"This is a new one. Fine, I'll look at one we can go to." Bucky sipped his coffee. "After breakfast."

Steve smirked. "She won you over with food."

"Hell yeah, she did. She should open a restaurant. I would be the first customer. And she hasn't even made dinner yet. That could be epic."

"Bucky please don't make me punch you out. Stop falling in love with my girl will ya?"

Bucky snickered. "I'll stop but no guarantees if she makes a roast like Ma used to make."

"I think that could be arranged." Steve and Bucky spun to see Belle in the doorway, Steve's shirt down to her knees.

"Belle," Steve breathed. "Sweet pea, no pants again?"

"Relax Steve. I have shorts on. Everything is covered." Belle offered her own smirk. "I was thinking omelets this morning."

"Yes," Bucky said under breath. Steve punched him in the shoulder. "Shit, Cap, really? It's not like I asked. She offered," as he rubbed her shoulder.

"Steve, be nice," Belle admonished him. She moved towards the kitchen, leaning up on her tip toes to kiss Steve before grabbing ingredients from the fridge.

"I'm going to talk to Bucky for a minute. Call me if you need me, sweet pea."

"Okie dokie, hot shot." She turned back to the counter to start chopping.

Steve came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Hot shot?"

"Hey, I get a nickname, you get one too." She smiled up at him and he leaned down to kiss her. "I could have made it worse you know."

"Really? How so?"

"Another time." She smiled. "Now go away, need to concentrate."

Steve laughed but made his way out. Bucky had his feet up in his study, looking over the paper. "Put that picture back."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now