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"Move in with me."

Belle looked at her boyfriend in a mixture of shock and rage. "Move in with you?  Steve its only been a month since we got back together."

"I know."

"And we are fighting."

"I know."

"Then why?"

"Because the thought of sleeping without you next to me hurts. "


"No, just let me say it."  He took a breath.  "I love you.  I love you so much that it kills me to know you are just blocks away sleeping alone when I could have you in my arms.  I lost you and I thought that was the worst time of my life.  Worse then coming out of the ice and finding out everyone I knew was gone. Until you were almost taken from me.  I only dream about you being taken." 

Belle couldn't help the tear that fell.  But Steve cupped her cheek and used his thumb to wipe it away.  "I know you and Scott both say nothing is happening but that's what Peggy said as well.  And she wasn't faithful.  She was with someone else. So, it scares me.  It scares me to not have you with me. To not know where you are.  Yes, its fast and yes, there are a lot of things we still need to work on, but I want this, Isabella.  I want you."

"I'm not her, Steve."

"I know that."

"And I have never, nor would I ever do that to you."

"I know that too. Really, I do, I just, I need you, Belle."

Belle looked into his eyes.  His eyes held sadness from a betrayal from a lifetime ago, hope for a future that he didn't think he had a chance at and love for her that was infinite.  She sighed.  "Can I think about it?"

Steve tried not to think about the crack he felt in his heart.  "Of course. I sprung this on you." He looked around to see Bucky and Clint discreetly protecting them. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"Its ok." Belle chewed her lip.  "I should get back to my lunch with Lila."

"Yes, yes of course. I should get back to the office." He leaned down and kissed her cheek.  "Forgive me sweet pea."

"Love you, amore."

"Love you too. We'll talk about this later?"

She nodded and headed back to the diner.  He watched her walk away and was headed back to the car when she abruptly turned around.  "Or we can talk about it when I move my stuff this weekend?"

Steve ran up to her to scoop her up and twirl her around, listening to her giggles.  "You mean it love?"

"I mean, I have a piano at this place.  And the company isn't bad," she teased.

"Tonight, my love, I will worship you." He kissed her hard.

"Looking forward to it," she replied.


Steve was back in his office, on the phone with the contractor about making changes to the penthouse when Devon buzzed him.  "Excuse me, sir, I have Sharon Carter here to see you."

"Give me a moment."  He finished up his call and walked to the door.  "Sharon, this is a surprise."

"I had a meeting downstairs."  Sharon Carter walked in, blonde hair perfectly straight, hanging down like a curtain around her face, black suit immaculate. "I just wanted to pop in and catch up."

"I'm fine, thank you.  Coffee, water?"

"No, Devon offered, I'm fine."  She looked around and spotted a frame on his desk.  "You don't usually have anything on your desk."  She picked up the frame to see a picture of Steve and Belle.  "Interesting."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now