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Belle turned around to see Steve standing next to the table looking down at her.  She stood up quickly. "Mr. Rogers, hi."

"What are you doing here?"

"Stark Industries asked me to be a liaison for someone at this table and I'm just waiting for them to arrive."

Steve chuckled at how flustered Belle was. She had no idea that her contact was him.

He hadn't stopped thinking about the violet blue eyes that had tumbled into his office.  She intrigued him but she didn't give him much to go on.  So having her here delighted him.  He could see if she was up to the challenge of being his.

"I think you are actually here to sit with me Miss Davis." He pointed to the cards on the table.  All of the six others were partnered off.  Mr. Stark with Mrs. Potts-Stark, Mr. Wilson with a Mrs. Romanoff-Wilson and Miss Maximoff with Mr. Vision.

"Oh.  I hadn't realized."  She looked down at her own card.  Miss Isabella Davis and next to it was Mr. Steven Rogers.

"Well, if you would like to be seated again Miss Davis," Steve pulled Belle's chair again, allowing her to sit.

"Thank you, Mr. Rogers." Steve took the seat next to her. "I'm not sure what I am doing here."

"Well, usually at these events, I have someone to talk to and dance with.  I usually bring a friend but I had forgotten this event and Wanda, excuse me, Miss Maximoff was kind enough to assist me with a liaison."

Belle wasn't sure what to say.  She was nervous to look at the gorgeous former super soldier.  She had grown up knowing his story but it felt inappropriate to bring up his history.  She scrambled to think of what else to say.  "So, you own a business now?" She mentally kicked herself.

Steve chuckled. "Yes, I wasn't sure what to do after I..." he hesitated.

"You left your previous job?" Belle offered.

Steve was grateful.  "Yes, after I left, I wanted to build something of my own.  I got a loan and here we are."

"You have great business sense," Belle said.  "I mean, its hard to start your own business, let alone make it as successful as yours has become."

"Thank you, Isabella.  May I ask, how did you end up at Stark?"

"Well, my best friend Lila said I should sign up for this internship, even though it wasn't in my field of study."

"You're not in the engineering program?"

"No, I'm finishing my degree in education and history." Belle chewed her lip.

Steve tried to keep his breath steady, watching Belle bite her bottom lip.  He recalled her statement and it piqued his interest.  "Education?"

"Yeah, it's my dream to become a teacher.  Preferable for younger children.  Shape the future." Steve watched as Belle's eyes took the look of dreaminess as she talked about her passion.  Christ, how pretty would she look on her knees with that look, he thought to himself. He mentally shook himself.

"That's a wonderful dream Isabella."

"Thank you, Steve."  Steve's heart leaped at the use of his first name again. Its like they were old friends.  Just when he went to touch her, a throat cleared behind him.

"Nice to see you here Rogers, thought you might bail."  Tony Stark smirked at his former co-leader.

"Tony, be nice," Pepper Potts-Stark admonished her husband.  "Steve, hi, nice to see you," as Steve stood to greet them.

"It's always a pleasure Pepper, especially watching you put him in his place."  He kissed Pepper's cheek and shook Tony's hand.  "I was just getting to know your intern here."  He gestured to Belle.

"Ah, Belle, it's nice to see that you could join us," Tony said.  He made it a point to get to know all of his interns. Belle started to blush at the attention.

"It's nice to see you too Mr. Stark."

"Have you met my wife?" Tony moved to gesture to Pepper.  "Pepper this is Belle Davis, one of our interns."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Davis."

"Please call me Belle."  Belle noticed more people joining the table. 

Steve took over making the introductions.  "Sam, Natasha, this is one of Tony's interns, Isabella Davis.  Isabella, this is my CFO, Sam Wilson and his wife and my COO Natasha Romanoff-Wilson."  Belle shook hands with everyone, trying not to show her nerves at being introduces to the former Avengers.

Soon everyone was seated with the exception of Wanda and Vision, who were at the podium at the front welcoming everyone to the gala.  Dinner was served and Belle concentrated on her plate as the conversation swirled around her. Steve could sense that she was tense and assumed it was the fact that she felt out of place.  As soon as the plates were cleared, Steve stood up and offered his hand to Belle.  "May I have this dance, Miss Davis."

"Of course, Mr. Rogers."  Belle allowed herself to be escorted to the dance floor where music from the 40s were played by the band.  Steve took her into his arms and started to dance.

"Are you nervous Belle?"

"A little.  People are kinda looking at us."  Belle had glanced around the room.

"Its only because you are so beautiful."  Steve watched her expression change from concern to shock.

"Mr. Rogers..."

"Steve, please."

"Steve, I'm just an intern and you're a former hero turned businessman.  I'm not sure what you want from me."

"Maybe I just want you." Steve's eyes darkened slightly.

"You don't know anything about me." She rolled her eyes as his presumption.

Steve bit his tongue.  He couldn't reprimand her attitude.  At least not yet. "So let me get to know you."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you intrigue me."

"Not sure why."  Isabella fidgeted slightly in his arms.

"Isabella, you are captivating, alluring, gorgeous and a mystery.  One that I would like to solve."

Belle swallowed.  She knew she needed to get away from him.  He was pulling her in, his scent, his voice, his eyes, were swallowing her whole.  This wasn't what she needed so close to the end.  The song mercifully ended.  "If you would excuse me, I just need to use the restroom."

"Of course," Steve let go and Belle made her way through the crowd.  As soon as she hit the double doors she started to run to the exit. Hitting the final doors, she ran into a solid body.  "I'm sorry."  She didn't look at who she hit, she just kept going to her car.  The driver, Tim, saw her approached and open the door. "Tim, can you take me home?"

"Course, miss."  He got in and took off into the night.

Steve gave it five minutes and when Belle didn't return, he headed to the exit.  He saw Bucky outside.  "Did you see a young woman come out here? Dark hair, blush colored dress?"

"Yeah, she bumped into me and barely said sorry before she climbed into a car.  Why?"

"Bucky, I need you to do a background check on a Miss Isabella Davis. "

"Sure punk.  Of course.  Can I ask why?"

"I'm intrigued. And I see potential."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now