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Bucky, Steve and Belle made it down to the garage. Steve held Belle's hand as he walked to his Audi SUV. He opened her door to let her in. Once Steve was in and Bucky was in the driver seat, Bucky turned to. Belle.   "Address?"

"Sorry, Main St, Jersey City."  Belle looked out the window and. Bucky took off.  The couple sat in silence as Bucky drove.  He was playing some 40s station but the music was soothing to Belle. Her knee bounced and Steve placed a hand to stop her. 

"Talk to me? Please?"

"I don't know what to say."

"Tell me how you are feeling." Belle's eyes flicked to Bucky and back.  She looked down.  Steve pressed a button and a privacy screen went up.  "Please Isabella.  Are you regretting this?"

Belle kept her head down but shook her head. "No, I'm sorry.  I just don't like to talk about the singing."


Belle looked at Steve with a hard look.   "You said you wouldn't pry."

"Ok, you're right. I'm sorry."  He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.  "How do you feel about this morning?"

She blushed.  "It hurt a little but mostly felt really good." She smiled. "I would like to do that again."

"As would I, Isabella." He smiled.  "When can I see you again?"

"I have work and school."

"Do you have time to do research?"


Steve reached into the pocket of the seat in front of him.  A Manila envelope comes out.  "This is the contract for our relationship.  Review it, take notes, do your research.  If you have questions, just ask me.  You have my number."

"What if I don't want to ask you some of those questions?"

"About that." He pulled a sheet from the envelope.  "This is a non-disclosure agreement.  It means that anything we do together is between us.  It protects you from being hurt by me in the public and vice versa."  He handed her a pen.

She glanced at the sheet and signed.  "Does this include last night?"

"Yes. I value discretion Isabella.  I don't need the world to know my private life."

"I wouldn't say anything. I just wanted to make sure.  But can I talk to Lila?  I just have general questions."

"You could ask me." 

"No, I really can't. I just need to know the girl side of things."

"If you trust her, fine.  I would rather you ask me but I want you to be comfortable with your body."  She nodded at his statement.

Steve never let go of her hand as they arrived at her apartment building.  He moved to the trunk and pulled out a laptop bag.  "I didn't know if you have a laptop but in here is one for you as well as a new phone."

"I don't need these things."

"But I want you to have it.  Use them or don't.  It's up to you."  Steve kissed her gently, causing Belle to close her eyes.  "Do the research.  I'll pick you up from work on Friday."

Belle finally opened her eyes.  Steve smiled and kissed her forehead.  "Have a nice Sunday Isabella.   Study hard."  He climbed back into the SUV and they took off.  She went up to her apartment and noticed Lila wasn't home.  She went to put away the laptop bag and hopped into the shower.  Once she was out, she wrapped a towel around herself and went back to her room.  She jumped as Lila was now sitting on her bed.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now