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Belle put the paperwork down and felt her cheeks burning. What in the actual hell was going on? Steve Rogers, Captain America, the boy scout of good, was actually a dirty, dirty man. The contract was simple in itself. He wanted someone to control, to use. He wasn't looking for more. She got up and went to the kitchen.

Lila was there, texting and giggling. Belle ignored it, lost in thought. She grabbed a wine glass and a bottle of Moscato. She poured herself a large glass and was heading back to her room when Lila stopped her. "Belle? Are you ok?"

"Just lost in thought." Belle sipped her wine.

"Is it about Steve?"


Lila studied her. "Did he hurt you?"

Belle looked at her with wide eyes. "No! God no. He was... perfect." She sighed. "I just don't know if I want to get involved with someone who couldn't give his all to me. He's a CEO, an Avenger."

"Former Avenger, Belle. But you're busy too. You would basically be on the same schedule." Lila grabbed the glass out of her hand and took a sip. "Isabella, I love you. I know that you are nervous about graduation and not having the job yet, but you need to allow yourself to be happy. And if Steve Rogers makes you happy, then go for it. We'll all still be here for you." Belle thought of her friends and when they landed on Scott, she rolled her eyes. "What?"

"Scott. He, well, he made a move on me. At the bar."

"He WHAT?"

"Lila please. Steve stopped it and Scott left. I have to talk to him and explain."

"You don't owe any explanation. If he crossed a line, he owes you an apology. Do you want me to talk to him?"

"God no. Its fine. I don't know what got into Scott."

Just as Belle took a sip, Lila says, "The fact that he's got a roaring crush on you and Hope."

Belle choked on her wine with a laugh. "I knew about Hope. I didn't notice about me."

"That's because you friend zoned him hard and he just couldn't take the hint." Lila's phone binged again and she smiled as she read the message.


"Yeah, he's flirting via text. Its sweet."

Belle shrugs. "I guess."

"Has Steve not reached out?"

"I haven't checked." She went to her room and Lila followed.

"New phone?"

"From Steve."

"Wow, Belle are you...."

"I didn't ask for it, Lila. He just gave it to me. Your new boyfriend helped." She looked at her phone and disappointment flooded her. Nothing. No messages. She sighed. "He's probably getting ready for work." She threw the phone down on her bed and looked up to Lila and smiled. "Its new I guess."

"Belle, why don't you make the first move?"

"Not tonight, Li. I'm just going to go to bed. I have class in the morning."

Lila hugged her friend. "Maybe he doesn't know you want more."

"Maybe. But this would be the first relationship since Brock."

"True. But four years is a long time to wait to feel wanted. I mean besides Scott."

"Shut up Li. I'm going to call him right now. Good night."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now