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Belle felt the tears running down her face. All the worries, the anger, the frustrations that had plagued her...

They just melted away.

She starred at Steve's face. 

The man who annoyed her, frustrated her, cared for her, loved her, who made her feel crazy, protected, wanted, special.

The face of the man she has loved for the last six months.


Steve broke into a huge smile as he slid a gorgeous ring her finger. The round diamond was set in an antique setting with smaller round diamonds and small oval sapphires on each side, all set in platinum.  "I love you."

"I love you

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"I love you." Belle cupped his face as she pressed a kiss to him. "Oh my god." Steve lifted her up and swinged her around as she laughed. "We're getting married!"

"I'm so happy my love." He set her down and kissed her deeply.

"Am I interrupting?"  Bucky came in holding three glasses and a bottle of champagne. He saw the big smiles on the couple.  He put everything down and embraced Belle.  "Congratulations sweetheart!"

"Thank you, Bucky."

Bucky let go and turned to his best friend.  "Congratulations punk."

Steve pulled him in for a hug.  "Thanks jerk."

Bucky's expression became solemn. "Seriously, I'm proud of you Stevie. Your ma would be so proud."

Belle let out a tiny sob at the emotional moment. "Sweet pea?"

"I'm sorry, its just, we won't have our parents there and ..."

"Oh baby, don't cry.  It will be ok."  Steve wrapped himself around her as she cried.  "We'll figure it out." He held her as Bucky got the champagne ready.

"A toast! To you, Steve, my brother and best friend and Belle, my future sister-in-law. Congratulations!"


Arriving back in New York was surreal.  Belle arrives not just as Belle Davis but now the future Mrs. Steven Rogers. All of their friends were excited for the couple, with Tony and Pepper throwing an engagement party for them.  When Belle mentioned not knowing where to start, Pepper and Natasha stepped up to help her navigate the interworking of the New York social circle and wedding planning.  They got her in touch with a top wedding planner and scheduled a photo shoot.

"Really? Why?" Belle whined.

"Hon, Steve is a top executive as well as a former Avenger.  His marriage is top new and its important to set the narrative," Pepper explained.  "Besides with a three-month time frame for the wedding, we want to stay on top of that."

That was the other things that was irritating and led to a long argument.  Belle wanted to wait the traditional year to get married. Steve wanted to be married the next day.  "I love you, sweet pea and I just want to let the world you are mine forever."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now