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My baby girl. Phil looks at her with tired eyes but a smile.

Be safe. A little blood trickles out of his mouth

No daddy, please don't leave me.

I'm sorry

Dad please

You are special Belle. Trust him.

Who?  Dad?

It wasn't supposed to be like this.


Steve and Bucky ran into Isabella's room when they heard her, her screams echoing for everyone to hear. Steve sees her thrashing in bed, screaming for her father.  "Isabella? C'mon baby wake up."  He pulls her into his arms as Bucky goes to get her a water.  "You can do it sweet pea, wake up for me." 

Belle feels the hands on her and she jerks away, opening her eyes wide.  She looks at Steve and cries, burying her head into him.  Steve strokes her hair as she continues to sob. "I'm sorry," she hiccups.

"There is nothing to be sorry for, sweet pea."  Steve pressed kisses to her head.  "Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?"  He feels her shake her head.  "Ok baby."  Bucky came back in with a water.  "You want some water?" 

Belle lifted her head and took the glass.  She took a few sips.  "Thank you, Bucky," she whispered.

"Thanks Buck.  I've got it." Bucky nodded and headed out, taking one more look at the girl.  He knew what her father looked like and was heartbroken.  He looked like a good man. 

Steve laid Belle back down with him and kept her in his arms. She listened to his heartbeat, calming her own against his.  "I don't dream as often anymore," she whispered.

"About your dad?"  She nodded.  "It's ok.  I dream too. Bucky does as well."

She was quiet for a moment.  "I see him dying.  Different ways. Falling.  Being stabbed. Being pushed.  It always ends with him being stabbed and blood coming from his mouth. I have the examiners report.  I know that he was impaled in the back by something but I don't know if it really was an accident or if someone killed him." Steve wrapped his arms around her tighter. "I wish I knew."

"Would you like me to find out?  I still have contacts who could help?"

Belle shook her head.  "It would just add fuel to them."

"Ok.  Sleep Belle, you'll feel better in the morning.  I'll be right here."   Their breathing started to even out and the couple fell asleep.  


After her midnight wake up, Sunday was quiet.  Belle asked to go home early, still distant, the effects of her dream still haunting her.  She needed to get ready for her big week. As Steve and Bucky dropped her off, a man got up from the stoop.  Belle stopped.  "Sweet pea, you ok?"

"Yeah, just... it's Scott."

"Do you want to talk to him?"

"I guess so."

"Sweet pea if you don't want to talk to him, Bucky will ask him to leave."

"No, I'll talk to him just... I just..."

"I'll hold your hand sweet pea. I won't say anything unless I need to."  Steve kissed her softly. "Promise."

Belle nodded and Steve opened the door.  Bucky came around with her bag and said, "I'll meet you upstairs. Gotta see my best girl," he said with a smile and a wink.  As they slowly made their way to the building entrance, Steve could feel Belle tremble.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now