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It was bright. So bright. Why is the room so bright, she thought. Belle lifted her hand to cover her eyes. Wait, her arm didn't smart from the IVs. She looked down to see her arms cleared and her belly gone. "No!" She grasped at her flat stomach. She sat up and cried. This has to be a nightmare. No, no, I can't leave them. She looked around for an exit. She had to go back. She found the door, but it was locked. She looked for a window, but the room had none. Then she noticed the posters and photos. She was back in her childhood room. This is where she would spend eternity. Trapped in a room she hadn't been in, in almost a decade. She curled up, knees to chest, arms wrapped around and began to cry. She sobbed for what felt like hours. She died and left her babies. Her family. Her Steve.

"You are alive, don't worry."

Belle couldn't believe what she was hearing. She lifted her head. "Daddy?"

"Hi, my sweet girl." Phil Coulson stood in front of her. "You look so grown-up Belle."

"Daddy," she breathed. She ran into his arms and Phil held his daughter tight. He could feel the sobs racking her body. "I'm here my girl. My sweet Belle."

Belle searched his eyes. "Daddy, how, why?"

"You're asleep my Belle. You're dreaming but I needed to see you." He held her back to look her over. "Look at you. I'm so proud of the woman you have become Belle."

She chewed her lip. The man in front of her knew about her past. "Even though I'm HYDRA?"

Phil shook his head. "Isabella, you have never been HYDRA. I don't know why you think that."

"Because the Avengers had to assemble because of me and my heritage."

"No, they assembled because you are a family. And family will always be there for you." Phil cupped his daughter's cheek. "You are their family. And you have never been HYDRA. Your parents sacrificed their lives to make sure that never happened. I only took over what they started."

Belle absorbed his words. She had never been HYDRA. She knew that deep down but to hear him confirm it made it feel so real. "Oh daddy, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

"You gave me the best life."

"I'm glad. Even if I had to leave you earlier than I wanted. I'm so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. I'm just sad I can't be there, cheering you on. Didn't get to walk you down the aisle or meet my grandchildren." His voice cracked a little at the mention of her past.

"I wish you were there too."

"They are great though, Jamie and Lucy. Beautiful and perfect."

"You saw them."

"I check in every once in a while. Steve is going to be a great father."

"And are you ok? With Steve I mean."

"If I had to pick the perfect man for you, he is the standard. He treats you good, right?"

"Like a queen."

"Good because you deserve it. He really is everything I ever wanted for you. But tell him something from me." She nodded. "Tell him to let the shield go. Its time. He's a father now. He doesn't need to be Captain America anymore."

"He told me he would only be Captain America if his love was threatened."

"But I have a feeling that you and your children will be very safe with him."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now