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Belle didn't mention the offer that Steve Rogers had given her to anyone.  But she also didn't let the business card out of her pocket. She would play with the card, thinking of the man.  He wouldn't leave her thoughts.  The fit of his suit, how his face looked with the trimmed beard and the ocean blue eyes that she would get lost in. 

"Belle!"  Lila yelled, finally gaining her friend's attention.  "Where are you?"

Belle shook her head. "Sorry, just worried about this thesis." 

"Don't be.  You've got this. Anyways, Scott called.  He asked if we were going to go out with the gang." 

"Do I have to?" 

"Belle, c'mon.  Ever since that gala you have been so preoccupied.  Did something happen?"

"No Lila, It was fine.  I'm sorry."  Belle sighed. "Ok, help me find something to wear." 

Lila pulled a blue, strapless lacy top and black jeans. "This.  You will look hot in this."


The little group of friends were a mix of the Gen Ed program and the engineering program.  Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Peter Parker and Michelle (MJ) Jones all hung out together most of the time.  These were the closest people Belle had in her life.  

Belle used to live with MJ and Lila before MJ and Peter decided to move in together.  Scott and Hope had their own singles but were on the same floor as Belle, MJ and Lila freshman year.  Her little adopted family took her in and she was forever grateful.  Her adopted father had died when she was 16 and she had no one left.  She was forever grateful for Phil Coulson, and she missed him dearly. 

They bar hopped until they landed at a bar in Manhattan. Peter and MJ were celebrating their recent engagement and Hope was celebrating getting into Columbia for law school. Scott was in the Gen Ed program with Belle. But he had heard that he had gotten a great job for the next school year at a prestigious high school.  Belle still hadn't heard and this fueled her consumption of alcohol. 

Belle was tipsy but still very aware in the bar.  It was fun, lots of seating, room for dancing, a pool table.  She had been here before with Scott, teaching her to play pool. The music was a fun mix of old school pop and alternative rock.  Belle swayed to the music, occasionally singing along.  She used to sing in school but stopped once Phil was gone. 

Scott had been abnormally close this evening but Belle let it go.  Her mind kept drifting to the ocean eyes that she could still see in the back of her eyelids. She got up, a little wobble in her stance. 

"Where're you going Belle?" Scott helped steady her. 

"Just to the bathroom.  I'll be back." As she waited, she pulled the business card from her pocket.  She stared at the name.  Steven G. Rogers, CEO.  She scoffed a little before she dialed. 


"Hello Steven G Rogers." 


"That's me." Belle sighed.  "I don't know who you think you are but I don't need your offer."  Her speech slurred slightly. 

Isabella?  Are you ok? 

"I'm fiiiinnnneee," she sang. 

Have you been drinking? 

Belle laughed. "Of course, I have.  Big girl." 

Where are you?

"A place."  Her sass was coming out. 

Tell me now. She could hear him growl into the phone.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now