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"Hi Sharon, its Steve."


"Yeah, sorry to call. I just needed someone to talk to."

"Oh, is there a problem?"

Steve sighed. "Belle left. She found out I was lying to her and she left."

"What about Bucky?"

"He left as well. Something about being on her side. Haven't heard from him."

"I'm so sorry Steve. What can I do?"

"Can we meet? I just need a friend."

"Of course. The club? Ten PM?"

"I'll be there Sharon. And thank you. I know we left it on bad terms."

"Its ok. I know it wasn't you. See you in a few hours."

"Bye Sharon."

"Bye Steve." Sharon hung up and turned to a sobbing and gagged Belle. "I knew he would come back to me. He always does." She does a little dance and spin.

Belle thrashed in her chair, screaming against the gag. She couldn't believe what she heard. Her Steve wouldn't leave her like this. The tears streamed down her face.

"We're ready for her to be examined." Beck came in to see Belle a mess of tears. "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing, just had a call she didn't like," Sharon smirked.

"Oh," Beck feigned interest, "from who?" The couple cackled at Belle's sobs. "Get over it sweetheart," Beck snarled. "We have some test to conduct to make sure you are at top notch condition. I'm gonna make sure that you make as many heirs as possible for HYDRA." He lowered his face to look her straight in the eye. "I've always wanted a big family," he whispered to her. Belle thrashed as two goons came to carry out to the exam room.

"I need to meet with Steve in a couple of hours. You good here?" Sharon asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." Beck turned away from her.

"What is up your ass?"

"The fact that you just want to move on from me to Rogers."

"Listen baby, the only way this plan works is if I get close enough to Steve that we can slip him the poison. We get the Avengers focused on saving his life, then we can do with Belle whatever we want. Baby, you know I'm yours." She kissed him lightly on the lips. He grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her harder, shoving his tongue in her mouth.


"Got it," Bucky smirked as Steve hung up. "They are utterly moronic. They are in an old HYDRA base, 20 miles north. I know it well."

"Ok then we go," Steve stood up.

"We have to think about this," Sam says.

"NO! We are talking about my family. My wife, my baby!"

"We get that Steve," Nat says rubbing his arms. "We are going to get them back. But if we just barrel in there, they could kill us or worse, her. Let's just plan it out."

Bucky pulled the blueprints up. "The base only has one level above ground. When HYDRA fell, it had been abandoned, I checked. However, I just checked local police and there have been reports of activity on the property. When checked, nothing is there, which tells me that they are working strictly underground."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now