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Wednesday came and Belle arrived home after her late class. All she wanted was a shower and some food. Lila wasn't home, having gone on a date with Bucky. She sighed as she looked over her mail. A letter caught her eye. "Manhattan School of the Arts" it said. She trembled as she opened the envelope.

Dear Miss Davis,

Thank you for sending us your resume and school records. Pending receiving your state credentials, we are pleased to offer you a position as a teacher for our First-Grade students. Training would begin in June and the school year would start August 1st.

We offer our congratulations on your pending graduation and look forward to working with you in June.


Headmaster David Zolinski
Manhattan School of the Arts

Belle couldn't believe it. She did it. She was finally a teacher. She snapped a photo and sent it to Lilia.

B: I did it!
L: Congrats! Celebrate Friday?
B: Can't this weekend
L: Why?
B: With Steve
L: even better celebration. TTYL?
B: Say hi to Bucky for me
L: He says congrats.

Belle wanted to celebrate. She sent the same photo to Steve.

SR: Congratulations
B: Thank you
SR: We'll celebrate on Friday

She was deflated. She hoped for more. She quietly made dinner and sat watching a cooking show when she heard the doorbell. She opened her door and was surprised by Steve. "What are you doing here?"

"I realized that you just had a major life accomplishment and that Lila wouldn't be here. You should be able to celebrate in the moment." He held up a bottle of Prosecco and a paper bag.

"Are you allowed out by yourself?"

"I have security. They are downstairs."

"Bucky approved?"

He chuckled. "Bucky approved. Can I come in?"

"Oh shit, sorry. Yes of course." Steve walked in a deposited a kiss as he passed. Belle felt her head start to swim from lack of breathing. "Umm, let me grab some glasses."

Steve noticed the uneaten plate on the coffee table. "You haven't eaten?"

"I just got home from school."

"It's late."

"Yeah, it's the only time for this particular lab. And it was rough."

"How so?"

"Had to find a new lab partner."

"Why?" Belle hesitated. "Isabella, tell me," he ordered.

"Because my old partner is Scott. And we're not talking right now."

"You spoke to him about Saturday."

"I did. And he said some things that upset me so I told him I wouldn't speak to him unless he apologized. Which he hasn't done. So, I asked MJ to be my partner."


"Michelle Jones. She is Peter's fiancé."

"You have a few friends. I didn't know that."

"Yeah, just the six of us. Well, you and Bucky can be added, I guess. I mean if we are friends. Wait. I mean, I don't mean we're not friends I just mean..." She stopped. "How long are you going to let me ramble?"

"I don't know. It's cute when you do it." He laughed. "We're friends Isabella."

"Just friends." She sighed and took a bite of her now cold food.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now