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Sunlight hit Steve's eyes harshly. He grumbled at forgetting to lower the blinds last night. He rolls over to the unmade bed and sits up. Shit, I must have passed out, he thinks. He looks at the clock. 6AM. He stretched. He decides to make coffee and bring it to Belle before climbing back into bed with her. His girl. He smiled at the thought. He was going to talk to her today. About changing their relationship.

He shuffles into the kitchen and makes a pot, yawning as he does. He runs through the night before. How it had never been like that. How it was soft, sweet, sensual. All of his senses were lit up last night. There was no dominance. No control. Just love and desire. He's brought back to reality when Bucky walks in. "Morning Jerk."

"Hey Punk." Bucky leans against the counter. "You know I'm not ok with you just taking off. But I understand. This time."

"Sorry. I just needed to get her out of there. A lot of truths needed to be discussed."

"Is she ok?"

"I hope so. We need to keep talking so I am taking her this cup of coffee." He prepares it like he knows she likes it.

"Well good luck Romeo. Oh, and hey, ask her if she'll need help."

"With what?" Steve turns to him.

"With the move." Bucky watches as Steve's face continues to be confused. "Ok, I guess that hasn't been brought up yet. I really need to stop doing this." Bucky sighed and massaged his temples. "Lila and Belle are moving to Manhattan. To be closer to their new jobs."

"Oh." Steve tried to remain calm. Belle had said they needed to talk. "I guess that was on the list to talk about. Its fine."

"You didn't talk much did you?" Bucky asked with a smirk.

"Fuck you Barnes. I'll be back." Steve walked up to Belle's room and opened the door quietly. He sees that she's not in bed. He puts the coffee down. "Sweet pea?" No answer. He checks her closet, empty and moves onto the bathroom. He rushes back into the room and notices her blanket and bunny are gone. He sees a paper on the desk. And he reads.


Please no.

Steve sits on the bed still reading, his eyes blurring.

She's gone.


Its 20 minutes later when Bucky notices Steve hasn't returned. He cocks his ear up to listen for arguing but the sound that hits him has him racing to Belle's room. He can see Steve clutching a pillow and sobbing into it, trying to muffle the sounds.


Steve looks up. "She's gone. She left." He hands the letter to Bucky to read. Bucky sits as he reads.

"She loves you?"

"Yes. As much as I love her. I just didn't get to tell her."

"Then go after her."

"I can't." Steve's face was broken. He knew he couldn't.


"Because I love her so much, I need to let her go."


Two weeks later...

Steve rises from Belle's bed, the first time he's been able to find peace since she left. Her scent engulfs him and he tricks his mind that she's there. His Belle, his sweet pea. His love. He gets to the kitchen where Bucky is drinking his coffee. "Morning," he grumbles.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now