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Belle made it through Wednesday like a zombie, doing her work but not speaking to anyone.  When the day ended, she walked past the SUV in a daze.

"Belle? Belle!" Bucky called for her.  He guided her to the car.  "Are you ok?"

She looked at him with big round eyes, unshed tears lingering as she whispered, "I screwed up Bucky.  He hates me."

He buckles her in. "He doesn't hate you.  He's worried about losing you.  I know you told him about working together but why not about the coffee?" 

"Because I didn't think it would be this big of a deal.  Its coffee not, I don't know, something else."

Bucky sighed. He went around to climb in. He headed to Belle's apartment.  He forgot how naïve Belle is and how stubborn his best friend could be.  "I'm taking you somewhere."  He turned away from her apartment.

"Where are we going?"

"To fix this."  Bucky drove straight to the Grant Building and guided Belle to the private elevator.  She hadn't been here since the first time, so she took in more details.  The elevator interior was the same dark wood that Steve preferred but no mirrors, simple.  They arrived at the top floor and Bucky gestured for her to exit.  She wasn't in the lobby of his office but rather a private office.

"Where are we?"

"My office.  I don't like to be in the public, so Steve made sure I had a private entrance.  C'mon, this way."

Belle followed him through a door, and she found herself in Steve's office but opposite of the big doors in the front.  Steve was speaking to people at the conference table when he looked up and saw Belle.  The couple at the table looked where he was looking.  Belle could see that it was Sam and Natasha.  She swallowed and tried to say something, but she couldn't.  Her eyes were locked with a very angry looking Steve.

"Belle, it's nice to see you again," Natasha started, standing and coming over to her for a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Romanoff-Wilson."

"None of that.  Nat, please.  How is your new job?"

"It's ok, long day. Umm, I'm sorry if Bucky interrupted..."

"Nonsense," Sam piped in.  "Rogers here is being rude not saying anything."

"I am sorry about that Mr. Wilson.  I'm pretty sure it's my fault." Belle looked at the ground, wanting to be anywhere but under Steve's gaze.

"Sam, Belle, please call me Sam.  You know, sweetheart, I think we should take a coffee break.  Barnes, join us?"

Nat and Bucky swiftly exited the room, leaving the couple alone and still many feet apart.

"Did you ask to come here?" Steve kept his eyes on her. He observed the puffiness in her eyes even though she wouldn't look at him.

She shook her head, still looking down. "I didn't know I was coming here.  I didn't think Bucky was going to pick me up."


"Why what?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you were, are, so angry with me.  I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be a big deal and I can see how very wrong I am."

"I don't trust him with you Isabella.  He hurt you."

"I know.  But I work with him."

Steve pressed on his temples.  "I know."  He growled, making Belle jump.  "I know, I'm sorry.  Just, he wants what's mine."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now