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Arriving at the penthouse, Belle immediately went to her "room" in the apartment.  She looked around while Steve followed and leaned on the door frame.  He watched as she inspected the bed, vanity and dress, which was filled with clothes.  She picked up a tank top and saw that it was her size. She looked at Steve.  "Bucky has a great eye for sizes.  I just gave it to the personal shopper at Nordstroms."

"All of these are for me?"

"Of course.  I said I would take care of everything."

"Steve, this is too much.  You're taking me shopping as well."

Steve grew upset.  "Isabella, you promised to try."

"I didn't know it would be getting a whole new wardrobe. This is a lot."

"Ok, fair but I want to do this for you."

Isabella sighed.  "Fine. You're right; I did promise to try." She moved to her bag and removed the few items she had packed.  She hadn't been kidding about the stuffed bunny, but she also brought her favorite perfume, her makeup bag and a blanket.


She looked up at Steve.  "Yeah, sorry.  It was one of my dad's.  When I get scared..." she trailed off.

"I understand. But you know, no harm will come to you."

Belle was grateful.  "Thanks, Steve." She placed the empty bag in the closet and headed for Steve.  "So what did you have planned now?"

"Thought we could sit and talk. Mrs. Lewis made some desserts for us."

"Sure."  Steve took Belle's hand and went to the living room.  Steve had set out some blankets and pillows and had a bottle of wine on the table.

"It's Moscato.  I saw it at your apartment."

"It's my favorite.  I'm more of a sweet taste kind of girl."

"I saw that.  You loved that cheesecake way too much." Steve chuckled as Belle glared at him.

"Cupcakes and cheesecake are God's perfect foods," she said with conviction.

"Really?"  Steve slid his arm around her.  "And what if I ate said cupcake off of you?"

Belle shivered. "It's up to you if it's the perfect taste."

"I could find out from you." He kissed her behind her ear.

She held in the moan and moved herself away.  "Ok, I thought this was a getting to know each other kind of thing."

"I was trying to get to know you.  Just in a different way."  Steve smirked.  "Fine, favorite music."

"80s.  Perfect for dancing and singing along. You?"

"40s, also perfect for dancing and singing."

They went back and forth on the questions.  Belle inched closer and closer to Steve as the wine and the time started to get to her. Soon she was asleep on his shoulder.  He had learned so much and made mental notes on how to make her stay with him more comfortable.  He lifted her gently and took her to her room.  She had changed earlier to a camisole and unicorn pajamas which had made him chuckle.  He got her under the covers and kissed her forehead.  "Good night sweetheart," he whispered.


The next morning, Belle woke up disoriented.  How did she get here?  She recognized the room and remembered her evening with Steve.  He was interesting and funny.  She liked his company.  But when she looked over to see the other side un-rumpled, disappointment flooded her.  She liked sleeping next to him, his warm body a comfort.  He kept the dreams, the nightmares away. She stretched and headed for the shower.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now