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Isabella Davis was so close she could taste it. Graduation was weeks away.  Her internship at Stark Industries was almost done.  She was lucky to have gotten a spot even if she wasn't in the engineering program.  But Tony Stark insisted on diversity. She was at her intern desk when the email came through.

Unfortunately, we can no longer support as many interns as before.  However, we may have found a potential new sponsor for the program. Details will be released soon.

Isabella's heart sank. If she couldn't finish the internship, her chances at landing a good position at a good school would be gone.  She put her head in her hands and just prayed that either she wouldn't be cut or that the new sponsor would come through.

"Hey Belle, are you alright?"

Belle looked up to see her best friend Delilah Stevens looking at her with concern.  "Did you get the email Lila?"

"Yeah, but I'm not worried about it.  I heard that it would be Grant that would take them over."

"Great, another company ran by a former Avenger. They don't believe in supporting education."

"Are you serious Belle?  Steve Rogers has two scholarship programs dedicated to teachers."

"Too bad he wasn't around when I needed those."  Belle tossed her black hair into a ponytail. "Did you need something Lila?"

"Yeah, actually, Mr. Stark needs some signatures from Grant and he asked me but I need to finish the project he asked for.  Could you go for me?"

"Really Lila?" Belle rolled her eyes. "Fine I'll go so at least I can prove how useful I am."

"Belle, c'mon. You'll be fine."  Delilah handed the folder with the papers. "There is a car waiting for you downstairs. Just tell reception that they are from Mr. Stark and they'll direct you to where to go."

"Whatever."  Belle trudged on her coat and headed to the car service waiting for her.  Belle thought back on Delilah's comments.  Lila could afford to be optimistic on this turn of events.   She already had her position within her own family's company so she really didn't need this internship. She arrived at Grant and headed in.  At reception she was told to go to the 17th floor and Devon would assist her.

Riding up the elevator took no time and Belle found herself in a beautiful waiting room.  "Miss Stevens?" A beautiful blonde approached her.

"I apologize, Miss Stevens was indisposed.  I was sent in her place.  I'm Isabella Davis."

Devon smiled at the young woman.  "Give me just a moment. Cindy will take your coat."

Belle handed off her coat to a much younger looking girl and looked around the office.  The room was decorated with muted blues with paintings of America around.  The furniture was in rich mahogany.   Belle was impressed.

"Miss Davis, if you could follow me."  Devon smiled and gestured toward large double doors.  She opened the door and Belle moved to walk in.  She missed the ledge and tripped, tumbling to the ground.

"Are you alright?" A strong male voice asked, reaching for her arm.

"I'm fine."  She looked up to see a set of ocean blue eyes looking at her.  Blonde hair, a trimmed beard set in a strong chin, Belle couldn't help but stare.

"Are you sure Miss Stevens?"

That snapped Belle back.  She got up and looked the man dead on.  "Sorry, Miss Stevens couldn't make it.  I'm Isabella Davis."

"Steve Rogers," he said with an extension of his hand. Belle swallowed. She took his hand.  It was warm and strong. "You had some documents for me to sign?"

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now