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Five years earlier...

Steve Rogers was tired.

Tired of the fight.

Tired of the demand.

Tired of the politics behind his shield.

Just tired.

Retiring was the right move.

But what does he do now?

"Hey Tony, can I talk to you?"


Present day...

Getting the loan from Tony was the best idea he could have had. Grant Industries was thriving five years later.  Steve had built the business from the ground up.  Sure it helped that he used to be Captain America but when his first successful takeover happened, people really started to take notice.

Making Sam his number two was the second best decision.  He was savvy with the business and made sure that Steve kept on track. When Sam married Natasha, she joined the company as well.  She was now his lawyer.

Bucky elected to be Steve's head of security.  Sure, he was a super soldier but as a businessman, the threats were more than before.  Bucky felt better knowing he was close to Steve but at the same time doing something good.  He wanted nothing but the best for his best friend. 

Yes, things were working out for Steve in his business.  At home, he had a beautiful penthouse.  Bucky lived with him and his housekeeper in the staff quarters and he had the place mostly to himself.  Except on the weekends.

On the weekends, he did have a guest who would entertain him.  Because deep down, Steve missed having control.  He had control when he led the Avengers.  And it sated that part of him for the most part.  But now, he needed it more.

Sharon had introduced this life to him while he was still avenging. Learning how to control and be controlled. Submitting and being submitted to kept Steve calm.  Control was all he wanted.

Submissives weren't hard to find in New York.  But he hadn't had one since Lizzy left.  So boredom was starting to seep in.  Boredom could be dangerous, expensive even.  The last time he was bored, he bought out a publishing house.  Granted it was making a profit now but Steve has learned, don't be bored for too long.

"Devon, can we go through my schedule?" Steve called through the intercom to his assistant.

"Right away sir." Devon walked in holding her tablet with Steve's schedule.  She has been his assistant since the beginning and ran his office like a fine Swiss watch.  He appreciated her hard work and attention to detail.

"What's on the agenda?"

"You have a meeting with Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Romanoff-Wilson in 20 minutes to discuss a new acquisition.  You have a training session with Mr. Barnes right before lunch here in your private office gym. You have a meeting with Mr. Miller on the development of a tech piece he wanted to present.  A Delilah Stevens is stopping by with a need for signatures regarding the new deal with Stark Industries.  After, Mr. Barnes will take you home to prepare for the gala event this evening."

"What gala?"

"It's the fundraiser for the recovery efforts in Sokovia.  You told Miss Maximoff you would attend."

"Damn.  Alright.  I guess I have no choice in that one."  Steve sighed.   "Am I seated alone?"

"No, Miss Maximoff and Mr. Stark are sending someone to be the liaison for you.  Mr. Wilson and Mrs Romanoff-Wilson are also attending."

Steve rolled his eyes.  "Alright.  Have the intern bring me a coffee and let me know when Sam and Natasha get here."

Devon left the office and sent her intern, Cindy in with the coffee.  Steve rolled his eyes again at the little girl in front of him.  She was a vapid girl, but she was Senator Ward's daughter, and he needed the Senator in his pocket.  She left after batting her eyes at him.  As he read his daily reports, Devon called when Sam and Natasha were on his floor.

Married was a good look on Sam Wilson.  He walked in with confidence, holding door for his wife, Natasha.  Natasha Romanoff-Wilson, ex-assassin and corporate lawyer, was the best fit for Grant.  She treated the opposition as she would have the enemy.  They made a great team to get everything Steve ordered done.

"Hey Cap, how are you today?"

"How many times, Wilson, have I asked you to stop calling me that?"

"Old habits die hard," Sam said with a laugh. He shook Steve's hand and Steve kissed Natasha's cheek before settling down to business. "Steve, as you know, the university in New Jersey is looking into funding for its engineering program."

"Shouldn't Stark be the more appropriate company to sponsor something like that?"

"You would think," Natasha said, "but we need the exposure.  Stark has a few interns but would need to lose one or two and they want us to take them on. So sponsoring the program would be a good tie in."

"If it boosts our profile, I guess its ok.  But can we also get another program as well.  Something in education?"  Steve wanted to be of service to all.

"We can, absolutely," Sam said.  "We can look at the background of some of the interns."

"Perfect.  What else?"

The meeting continued for a few hours until it was time for Steve's training session.  "I don't know why you keep training Steve.  You're retired," Sam commented.

"Because when you have the serum running through you, you have to burn out the energy somehow."

"Then get a girl."  Sam smirked at him.  "That will get you to burn off some eagerly."

"Sam!" Natasha smacked her husband.

"I'll work on that Wilson. Natasha, see you tonight?  Save me a dance?"

"Of course Steve." Natasha kissed Steve's cheek.

"See you tonight Rogers," Sam shook Steve's hand.  He took Natasha's hand and led her from the room.

Steve headed into his en-suite to change for his workout with Bucky. Bucky was already in the private gym, lifting when Steve came in.  "Hey Steve," he said with a grunt.

"Hey Buck." Steve took off his sweatshirt.  "What are we doing today?"

"Just a spar.  Let you go out full.  I hear a little frustration today."

"Just have to go to an event for Wanda and Stark and they are 'assigning' me a date."

Bucky chuckled. "Why not invite one of the girls..."

"Because that is not why I have them there for." Bucky was the only one who knew of Steve's preferences.  He made sure that the girls came and went unnoticed. "I don't need them to think that I want something more."

"But don't you?" Bucky and Steve circled each other in the ring.

"No, they would just become a distraction or worse, a target." Steve threw a punch.  "Besides, all of these women only want the shield and not me.  I don't want that."

"Maybe one day you'll find someone who will like you for you," Bucky said, jumping from the leg sweep.  It is possible.

"I don't want to talk about this, Buck." Steve grunted as Bucky landed a punch to his solar plex.  "I just want to get through this day."

Steve went to shower and review the business for the rest of the day.  Devon calls him, "I have an Isabella Davis here for signatures, sir."

"I thought it was Delilah Stevens."

"I'm sorry sir."

"It's alright.  Send her in please."

Steve looked back down at the report he was reading.  His office door opened and a flurry of arms and legs landed on the floor.  Steve rushed over.  "Are you alright?"

Her face looked up at his to see the most startling violet blue eyes he had ever seen.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now