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"Hi Lila."

Lila stood in the doorway for a second, not sure what to say.  "Umm, would you like to come in?"

"Thank you."  Belle made her way inside her former apartment and looked around.  "You haven't changed much."

"No, not really.  Been working a lot so I'm hardly here."  Lila fidgeted before she blurted out, "why are you here?"

Belle didn't move.  She tried to open her mouth and speak but all that came out was a sob.  Her entire body began to shake with the tears that had been waiting to be released.  Lila came over to hold Belle as sob after sob tore through her chest. "It's ok sweetie, I'm here."

"Lila, I was so stupid," she wailed. Her heart was broken.  And all it wanted was the one person who broke her heart and her trust.

"Its ok, babe.  C'mon sit down. Tell me everything."


Bucky was on at the computer trying to track Belle.  "Stupid glasses," he muttered.  While at the time it seemed like a good idea, Tony's glasses that he made for Belle were now the hinderance to finding her. He sighed and looked over to see Steve passed out on the couch, Belle's sweater in his hands.

He felt his phone buzz and saw a notification.


"What the hell?"  He clicked on the notification and saw a video from a camera.  At first the person at the door was fuzzy but then the glasses came off and he gasped.  Belle.  He was racking his brain until it dawned on him.  Lila.

Bucky remembered he had installed a doorbell camera to Lila's apartment while Belle was still living there.  He hadn't mentioned it since he hadn't wanted to spook the girls.  He decided to try and talk to Belle first and hopefully convince her to come home.  He went out the service elevator to the garage, leaving his best friend resting.


Belle finally calmed and told Lila everything. "Lila, how could I have been so naïve?  He lied; he could have told me."

"I know but look at it rationally Belle, he was trying to protect you. Maybe he went about it the wrong way but I think hehad your best interest at heart."

Belle snorted.  "Right.  Because leaving me in the dark was so smart."

"Belle," Lila sighed, "your dad left you in the dark. Everyone did. I mean, how are you not mad at your dad?"

"Because I was a kid! I already lost my parents, and he was everything when I had..." she sobbed, "I had nothing." She wiped her eyes. "Steve's supposed to be my family. How am I supposed to trust him?" 

"I guess that is the ultimate question." A knock on the door made Lila look.  "Just give me a sec." Lila went to the door and opened.  "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to her."


"Delilah, please.  I need to know she's safe."

"She is safe.  You guys are the ones..."

"You don't know the whole story Li. Please give me five minutes."

Lila studied her ex.  "Five."  She opened the door wider and let him in.

Belle had been in her own little world before she heard her name.  She whipped around.  "Bucky?! What are..."

"Please sweetheart.  Just hear me out."

"No.  You lied."

"I didn't lie."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now