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Riding in the SUV Monday morning, Belle was lost in her thoughts.  She and Steve had spent the remainder of the weekend in bed or moving her stuff from her room to his.

"I'll have someone come in and make a bigger closet for us," Steve said as he placed her dresses on the rack.

"What's a matter? Don't like everything stuffed in here," Belle teased.  "I don't need these gowns in here when I don't go to these events a lot.  We can keep it in the other closet. Besides," she huffed as she struggled with her jackets, "I still have my apartment and my clothes there. Its not like..."

"What are you saying?"  Steve stopped in his tracks.

"I have my own place, Steve.  I'm just here on the weekends so I just need to leave what I need in your room."

"But I want you here."

"And I want to be here but I do start work on Monday."  Belle reached up and touched Steve's face.  "Don't want you to be sick of me."

Steve kissed her softly. "But I lost you for a month." He mumbled against her lips. "Need you here."

"I know amore. I'll be here every Friday until Sunday."



"C'mon Belle."

Belle sighed.   "What will I do for lunch and clothes and stuff?"

"Mrs. Lewis can make you lunch. And the closet can be sorted out. Bucky can run you to work. Please Belle, please.  Stay with me."

Belle paced away as she folded some of her clothes.  She thought for a moment. "I'll make you a deal.  I'll stay until Monday but you come stay with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"Bucky is not going to agree."

"Bucky is gonna want to stay.  Which he already does with Lila.  Compromise Rogers."

"Since when do you call me Rogers?"

"Since when are you this clingy? Friday night, Saturday night Sunday night here.  Tuesday night and Thursday night with me.  That only leaves Monday and Wednesday on our own.  To do the things we have to do by ourselves."

"Like what?"

"Like grading papers for me or if you have to have long meetings.  I promise, I'm not going anywhere but this works."

Steve crossed his arms and looked at his girlfriend.  Girlfriend.  That was the first time he even thought about her status. "Fine. Deal."

"Pleasure negotiating with you Mr. Rogers."   Belle extended her hand for him to shake.   He took it  and pulled her closer.

"We agree with a kiss, Miss Davis, not a handshake."   He dipped her and kissed her hard, leaving her breathless. 


Monday came and Belle woke up to the smell of food in the air.  She stretched and rolled onto Steve's chest.  He sighed and wrapped his arm around her. "Go back to sleep Belle."

"Can't. Hungry."

Steve chuckled.   "Mrs. Lewis must be baking this morning." He kissed the top of her head and looked over at the clock. 630 AM.  "What time do you need to be at work, sweet pea?"

"Orientation is at 9."   She yawned.

"Perfect.  We have some time."  Steve rolled them over, so he was on top of her. "I can have a snack before breakfast."

"Didn't you have enough over the weekend?"

"Enough of you? Never." He started to kiss that spot he knew on her neck, causing her to arch her back. He ran his hands over her silk top, teasing her nipple as he moved further down.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now