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"Because when another man kisses me and I like it, I think we have a problem."

"He kissed you?!"

"Yes, and I ran. Because I liked it. Because I miss you. I miss your attention, our intimacy, our love. I need more Steve. I can't do this. If you are just going to leave me here, then I should move out and move on."

Steve stood up quickly and stalked towards Belle. He pulled her close and kissed her hard. She gasped and he deepened it, tasting her, relishing in her desire. He felt the wetness fall from her eyes. He pulled back to see her crying. "I'm sorry."


"No, I'm sorry. Sorry I haven't been here. Sorry that I have neglected you. Sorry that you think something else is going on. I love you, my Belle. My princess. Don't leave, never leave."

"I don't want to. I love you. I need you. I want you. But I need more."

"I need you too." He kissed her softer this time. "I'm going to make it up to you, I promise." He lifted her up and took her to their bed. He cradled her as she sobbed from the emotions, allowing a few tears himself. He had been so close to losing her from his own stupid actions. "You looked beautiful tonight love. Did you have fun?"

"It was interesting."

"Almost went to punch that guy out."

"Wasn't his fault."

"I know." He sighed. "Promise me you'll never kiss another man again."

"Promise me that you'll explain." She wouldn't agree with him until she knew the truth.


Steve woke that Sunday morning, having rested for the first time in a long time. A flutter brushed his arm and he looked to see his sweet pea on her side, his arm still under her neck. The air is cool in the morning so he draped a heavier blanket to keep her warm as he rises. He stretches and heads to the kitchen. Coffee and a conversation are needed before he can move on with Belle.

Belle stirs and reaches for Steve, her eyes still closed. She feels nothing and frowns, turning to open her eyes. "Steve?"

She hears him talking loudly and creeps down to the study.

"What the fuck are you trying to pull Sharon?"

"I didn't say I was seeing you. I just said that I had a meeting at Grant."

Steve stars at his phone laying on his desk with venom in his eyes. "Don't fuck with me. You said it to drive a wedge between Belle and myself."

"Oh please. If she's that insecure that should tell you something."

"It tells me plenty about you. I asked you to do one thing. Stay away from her. And the minute you had a chance, you did this."

"Steve, she's..."

"She's what, Sharon? Not you. Thank fuck for that."

"You don't mean that."

"Don't I? We were never meant to be together Sharon. For fuck sakes, I was with your aunt in my past. Thank you for helping me when I needed it but Isabella is my future."

"Picking a child for a partner is ridiculous, Steve."

"I'm done with this. Stay away from us." He ended the call and slammed the phone down and walked to the window. Belle steeled away back to the room and climbed into bed. Not a minute later, Steve entered to see Belle's back to the door. He sighed. "Sweet pea, I know you were listening."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now