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True to his word, Steve held Belle's hand while Bruce drew blood.  "I hate this," she moaned, burying her head into Steve's chest.

He chuckled. "It's just a precaution, sweet pea.  They just want to make sure there are no lasting effects."

"I know but needles suck."

"All done," Bruce declared.  "I'll let you know if we find anything unusual. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine.  Everything cleared up after some rest."  She smiled up at Steve.  "Do you think there is a problem?"

"No, just wanted to be sure." Bruce smiled.  "I'll get these to Helen for analysis."

"Thank you Bruce."  Belle hopped down.  "I need to get back to packing."

"Clint is waiting, love.  I'll be by in a couple of hours to help."

Steve walked her out and to the elevator.  "Thanks Clint.  Make sure she doesn't get into trouble."

"Like I get into trouble on purpose."  Belle rolled her eyes.

Steve pulled her in for a hug but whispered in her ear, "don't think I didn't see that princess. Be ready for me when I get there. No panties." He kissed her softly.

Belle groaned. "Yes, sir," she whispered back.

Belle made it back to her apartment and continues to pack up her stuff.  Clint and Lila assisted with stacking the boxes in the living room to be taken Saturday.  "Geez, Belle, enough books?" Lila grunted.

"We had this conversation when we moved from Jersey to here."

"And I stand by that I would re-buy everything and put it on the tablet."

"Not the same.  The weight, the feel of a book in my hands."  Belle sighed.  "There are very few things that are better than that."

"Like Steve's dick."


"What?"  She looked around.  "Clint's not here, it's fine."

Belle shook her head.  "I can't believe you just said that." The blush on Belle's cheeks was a giveaway that Lila's comment was not off the mark. 

Lila laughed off Belle's embarrassment as they continued to move boxes into the living room.  She just packed up her bathroom when her phone buzzed.

SR: On my way princess

Belle smiled, thankful she had worn a dress.  She slipped her panties off and threw them in the laundry pail.  She continued working until a shadow loomed behind her.  "So, my princess likes to give attitude."

Belle went to stand but a hand kept her on her knees. Steve moved around her to stand in front of her, his eyes dark. She looked behind her to see the door closed.  "Steve?"

"Bucky took Lila to get some take out. I think he understood that you are in trouble sweet pea."  He licked his lips.

"Oh." Belle looked up at him, her long lashes framing her now lust filled violet eyes.

"What do you say Belle?"

"I'm sorry."

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry sir.  I was a bad girl." Belle pouted up at him.

"That's right. Hmm."  Steve looked down at her and stroked her head.  "Ladies' choice, a spanking or you swallow.  Up to you princess." He smirked, knowing she liked the pain and really either way, he won.  What he wasn't expecting were the next five words out of her mouth.

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now