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Sore.  That's all Belle feels.  Sore.  And annoyed.  What was with the beeping?  She went to stretch her arm but it smarted.  Ow.  Belle slowly blinked her eyes, the harsh light irritating.  As her eyes adjust, she feels something heavy on her hand.  She looked over to see Steve sleeping on her arm, his hand covering hers.  She smiled and ran her hand through his hair.  He starts to move, and she stills.

Steve feelings the relaxing motion in his hair. Who is petting him? He lifts his head and looks around but sees his favorite pair of violet blue eyes looking at him.  "Hi."

"Oh, thank god, sweet pea."  He reaches up to kiss her forehead. "I was so scared you wouldn't wake up."

"Steve, what happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"I was waiting for Bucky and a guy tried to grab me.  But then everything goes fuzzy."

Steve's lips form a thin line.  "You were injected with a sedative.  You were right on your instincts.  Someone was watching you.  I am so relieved you called."

"Did Bucky catch him?"

"No, he got away." He could feel Belle tremble. "Hey, hey, its ok.  Baby, its ok, no one is going to hurt you ok?  You are safe here with me." A tear fell and Steve climbed into bed with her, pulling her into his chest.  "I'm right here sweet pea."  Belle sobbed, the realization of what happened hitting her. Steve ran his hand over her arm and keeps kissing her head.

"Steve, don't let them..."

"No, nothing is going to happen. We think we know what happened but let's make sure you're ok first. I love you."

"I love you." Belle looked up at him and he placed a sweet kiss on her lips. "How long have I been out?"

"About 12 hours.  Its," he looked at his watch, "about 3 am right now. Dr. Cho said that you may feel the effects after you woke up."

"My head hurts and I'm thirsty but otherwise, I think I'm ok." Belle looked at her arm, the IV line sticking out. "That sucks. I hate needles."

"Necessary, my love." Steve smiled.  "I'm going to go get the doctor.  Don't move."

"Hilarious."  Belle rolled her eyes.  Steve left with a chuckle and Belle looked around.  She could see a lab through the glass walls and what looked like the Ironman suits in the distance. As she started to sit up, Bucky walked in.

"Whoa! Belle, wait." He put his hand on her shoulder to keep her in the bed. "You need to be cleared before you can get up."

"Bucky! You're ok!" She reaches for him and pulls him into a tight hug.

"Ok, Belle, I need to be able to breathe." He pats her back.

"You're a super solider. You can handle it," she replied.  He chuckles and gives her a squeeze.  "Thank you for saving me."

"I told you I would take care of you."  He sits on the edge of her bed and looks around.  "Where's Steve?"

"He went to get the doctor.  I woke up a few minutes ago."

"Good.  How're you feeling?"

She rubbed her temples. "Like I have a migraine."

"Good," a new voice comes from the doorway. Belle turns to see a pretty Asian woman in a lab coat, Steve on her tail.  "That's to be expected with the type of sedative you were injected with.  I'm Dr. Cho, physician for the Avengers."

Yours, Submissively (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now