Chapter 3

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(George POV)

The bus was now at stop on one of the destinations. I waited for the other passengers in front of me as they got off the bus. Now it was just me walking the rest of the way, a couple of blocks to the venue.

I finally arrived at the place with a few minutes to spare. I took out my phone and texted Quackity's number telling him I'm already outside the hotel venue. It didn't take for him to reply back as I heard someone calling out for my name on the distance. It was Quackity wearing a black suit and a gray mask covering half of his face.

"There you are!" He exclaimed, as he walks towards me handing me out the white mask. "Try this on I bet it'll look good on you." He tells me.

Placing the mask on as it covers half of my face, Quackity lets out an aww and complemented me on my looks. "Damn Georgie your even more handsome with the mask on!"

I jokingly frowned at him, accepting his compliment. "Shut up Quackity, now where's this party?"

He takes one of my hand eagerly as he started to drag me towards the hotel, "Let's go! Its on the top floor."

I chuckled as he takes us straight to the elevator and pressed the button to where the party was held. Moments later we arrived hearing the small bell ring on the elevator, opening up the door. He dragged me again inside to which there were a lot of people. Alphas, Betas and Omegas filled the air, the place was elegantly decorated and everyone was wearing such gorgeous outfits and different masks that matches each persons style. 

I felt kind of out of place as I couldn't really recall anyone in the room. Quackity decided to leave me near the buffet as he went to pick up another friend downstairs. Seeing a bunch of expensive delicacies on the table, I couldn't help but drool over it on my mind. Feeling my stomach grumble as I haven't eaten anything yet, I took a small plate on the table and began picking out a few of the good looking meals on the table.

I hear a bunch of whispers around me, noticing that a couple of alphas were starring at me dead in the eyes. It made me a bit uncomfortable to think and quietly went towards a corner of the room with the plate in hand. Finding a chair that wasn't occupied I sat on the one that was the farthest and quietly tasted the food.

It was so delicious that I could sense butterflies off my stomach. The meal here had a rich like taste, it was something I haven't tried before. I ate up the rest quietly as I awaited for Quackity to show up. Moving up next to the dessert side of my plate, biting a piece of brownie as it fills my lips with its savory sweet taste. I was so distracted on my platter that I didn't even realized until the man sat down next to me and spoke, "Hey there, you sure are having a good time with the food." He chuckled lightly.

I gulp down the tasty treat in my mouth and looked at the male infront me. Judging by the way he looks and the collar on his neck, it was quite easy to identity that he was another omega just like me. I gave him a smile as I nod my head, placing the plate on of the chairs next to me and said, "Yep, nice to meet you uh?"

"Its Karl,  and you are?"


"Nice to meet you too George." He exclaimed happily. "So are you enjoying the party so far?"

"Kind of, the fold here is great." I told him, finally having someone to talk to.

He gave out a chuckle as he spoke, "That's good to know."

"My friend kind of ditched me after he brought me up here. I don't really know anyone else so I made myself at home and grab a snack."

"Same, well except for the snack bit." He smiles.

"So were invited too?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Sapnap did." He said, "But he's currently busy entertaining other business partners with his father. How about you?"

"I was invited by my friend Quackity who's currently running around everywhere." I retorted jokingly.

Karl gave out a surprised look as his cheeks lightly turned pink. "Y-you know Quackity?"

"Uh, yeah he's my classmate on a few subjects. Why?" I asked curiously.

"N-no reason." He stuttered, clearly there's a reason behind it. But I didn't really wanna interfere and instead nods at his reply.

Just in time for Quackity to come back, now running towards us. I see Karl's face light up, as he watches the alpha on his way towards us. "There you are Georgie!" He exclaims, as he sees Karl sitting next to me. "No way is that, Karl! It's been a while, how you've been?" He said gesturing the smaller a hug, as Karl stood up and quickly latches unto Quackity's hold.

"Ah, now I know why he has that look." I thought to myself, seeing that it was very clear how Karl has feelings for Quackity.

"I'm doing good. H-how about you?" Karl utters, as the two let's go on their little reunion hug.

"I'm quite very well." Quackity replied, smiling at the boy.

I could see the sparks between the two, they clearly have a connection. But why are they holding back?

"Oh right! George, I need to introduce you to the birthday boy." Quackity announced, and Karl nods quickly.

"Oh right!  You should meet with Sapnap too." He said.

"Follow me my ladies." Quackity jokes, as Karl and I exchange looks and laughed.  We are now following Quackity to meet the birthday celebrant, staying behind the two as they both talked about each others well being. Smiling at them as they do look good together.

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