Chapter 4

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"Sapnap!" Quackity calls out as a young fine man wearing a blazing red and orange mask glances back at him.

"Quackity, finally man your back!" The alpha responded since Quackity has been all over the place rather than the actual celebrant himself. Sapnap walks closer to them, giving him a bro hug before looking towards George and Karl's direction.

"Hello Sap." Karl says, a giving him a small hand wave as the atmosphere around the three suddenly changed.

For a moment George noticed the three's look on each other making him confused all of the sudden, before a hand was suddenly placed on his shoulders only to see Quackity,  now dragging him infront of Sapnap. "This is one of my friends that I invited his name is George."

Sapnap looked even fit up close even with the mask on, George can already sense the radiant of an alpha born infront of him. "Hey nice to meet you George! Thank you so much for coming to my party." Sapnap exclaimed, giving George an inviting hand, as George shook his as well.

"The pleasure is mine Sapnap, the food tasted really good." He complimented him, earning a chuckle from the birthday celebrant.

"Well we have the finest cuisine here so enjoy as much as you like! Also thank you for putting up with Quackity here, he can be a handful." He jokes, earning a playful roll from Quackity's eyes and a scoff, Karl laughing from the conversation.

"He sure is." George chuckles, as the four of them now continued to to chatter about things. Particularly the three talking about each other as George listens to their conversation, butting in on some of the topics but mostly just to admire the three as all of them seemed to share that same spark he saw from Quackity and Karl earlier.

Sure it is possible for two alphas to share one omega that is if it's legal in the law of your certain state, luckily for them it is in here,  meaning they may just have a  chance to date each other. But having two alphas as a mate would probably let karl have a hard time though, he is the only omega of the three.

Alphas tend to be overprotective of their mates especially if they mated with an omega. The natural instincts would kick in and that can be a bit difficult if Karl ended up with two Alphas, that is if the two can control themselves fron fighting over each other, but George was sure that they would be fine.

A sudden interruption of the four's chattering as a young handsome blonde man stood before Sapnap wearing a green and white mask. He looked very intimidating and the radiant he gives off was much more obvious than any other alphas in George's opinion. To his the man holds total power.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt your conversation but happy birthday Sapnap." The dominantly alpha spokes, his semi deep voice making Georges face light up for some reason, the omega was lucky enough to wear a mask for his face wouldn't be seen as he keeps on the pace to act normally.

"Dream you made it!" Sapnap happily says,  walking over the the taller alpha and giving his a hand shake.

"I wouldn't miss your coming up of age Sap." He chuckles, glancing over the other Alpha and two omegas behind Sapnap. Dream couldn't help but notice the young brunette's stare, his chocolate brown eyes looking like its melting over his features. The alpha smiled cockily, noticing the omega's interest in him.

"Well I see that your still in a conversation with your friends, so I wont take you for long, I'll be heading somewhere in this venue." He announces, giving George, Karl and Quackity a charming smile, looking at the smaller omega for a few seconds before taking his leave. 

"Sure man see ya around!" Sapnap says, waving at the blonde who disappeared into the crowd. George noticed the alpha as well, looking a bit disappointed under his mask as he leaves out of plane sight.

George couldn't help but wonder Dream's face under that mask. He seems to have the brunette gotten interested of him. Shaking off that thought, he diverted his eyes back to Sapnap, Quackity and Karl. He couldn't help but questions about the mysterious alpha, "Is Dream a schoolmate of yours Sapnap?"

Sapnap looked at George curiously, "Hmm? Well not really, we just met in some business partnership trip with my father and his father a long time ago then it clicked, our friendship was purely based on our younger minds. He even spends some of his days on my place when we were younger. But Dream is quite busy these days though, he just took over his father's company." He sighted at the end part.

"Woah, you didn't tell us you had a secret friend Sapnap." Karl said,  a bit of toxicity in his voice as be playfully carcasses his hands together.

"Aww Karl, its alright we're just best friends" Sapnap chuckles, as Quackity tries to hold his laughter. The three of them were like a bunch of muffin heads. Karl was surely no doubt the jealous type.

Sapnap made it clear on the omega it was nothing to worry about, before he decided the four of them should step on their game and started to head towards a vip room somewhere in the venue. Soon after waitresses came inside the room, placing down a few bottles of vodka and wine, serving it with some siders and a bunch of other stuff needed for drinking. 

The three seems to be excited about this, as George was confused and a bit hesitant to try as omegas have a really bad alcohol intolerance. "George come on man, just one drink." He told the brunette.

"No thanks I don't really wanna come home drunk." He declined, knowing his mother is gonna beat the shit out of him if he did. 

"George nothing could possibly happen, besides Sapnap said it himself its boring outside." Karl retorted drinking a shot of vodka.

"Don't worry George I'll take you home, swear when you get drunk." Quackity says.

"I have spare cars too man, I can all take you home." Sapnap said.

"Fine fine,  whatever. But just moderate alright?" George sighs in defeat.

"Yes! Wohoo go George." Karl yelled as he passes down a drink to the brunette, Sapnap and Quackity taking in their shots. The venue outside was just most likely filled with upper class werewolves mostly just introducing their business and shit.

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