Chapter 46

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(George POV)

Everything was blurry and painful, as I could only feel the throbbing of my wounded shoulders. I could hear a loud buzz as my mate started to carry me inside a white building.

It must be a hospital, I told myself. Hearing the gasps and whispers from everyone that saw us in the lobby, as some of the nurses hurriedly pushed a hospital bed towards us.

Dream was definitely panicking, as he immediately placed me down on the bed and kept on begging for the nurses to hurry, as they pushed forwards to the ER.

I could barely see my mate running beside the bed, as I barely touched his hand on mine. Trying my best to smile, reassuring him thay it will be okay.

"You're going to be okay George, you're gonna be fine..." Clay whimpered, he took a hold of my hand before letting go as the nurses forbid him to come further inside the emergency room.

Though I tried my best to listen to the voices the nurses and the doctor was saying, unconsciousness of mine took over, and I began to fall asleep.


(Dream POV)

They took George inside of the ER, leaving me standing infront of the closed door. My hands are shaking, and my clothes filled with fresh blood for my mate's wound. One of the doctors asked me to sit down, as she asked for details on what she was supposed to know about her patient.

I told her how George was shot, and that he is pregnant with our baby. She nods her head in response as she reassures me that her team will do their best.

I told her to do everything she can, as I sat down on one of the open benches just as she left and headed into the emergency room.

Clutching my hands together as I leaned my head down, though a shot on the shoulder wouldn't kill a person, but my worries were still keeping me on edge.

"You might want to change clothes Clay..." A familiar voice spoke, as I glanced at the man standing before me.

"Dave, I don't want to leave here yet." I said, as he passed unto me a pair of new clothes.

"Take it, the bathroom is around that corner, I'll be here to keep watch..." He replied, as I deliberately let out a loud sigh. He was right though, as some of the people that were passing by was eyeing at me for the stains of my mate's blood.

I went ahead to change in the men's bathroom, taking in one of the open stalls as I took out the fresh clothes wrapped inside a plastic bag, replacing it with the clothes I wore before stepping out unto the sinks, where I cleaned my face and hands that had dried out stains.

I thank Dave as I got back outside, sitting beside him while waiting infront of the emergency room. He kept glancing at me every now and then, eventually patting my back to keep me calm.

It took almost half an hour before the same doctor came out of the emergency room, taking off her surgical mask as she smiled in front of me. "You're mate and baby are both fine now..." Was all I needed to hear as relieved washed all over me, as I immediately stand up while listening to her.

"Though the patient's injury was a bit severe, we manage to get rid of the bullet that was about two inches deep in his shoulder. He should be awake in less than forty eight hours, so no need to worry anymore, and the baby is doing fine too, it had a strong grip on its mother." She explained, chuckling a bit at the latter sentence.

I happily smiled at her, thanking her for saving George as we starts to walk away. Dave was standing behind me all the time, being my support companion as I await for the nurses to take George out of the ER.

A few minutes gone by and I could finally see my unconscious mate, being pushed on a hospital bed, as the nurses take him into another room. Dave and I followed along behind them.


Dave tells the blonde that he needed to leave, as he stayed by his boss's side for a few minutes. Telling Dream that he'd be back once he grab some necessities for the Alpha.

Clay was sitting on a chair next to the brunette, watching as one of his hand was touching the omega's belly. He gives his driver a nod, before Dave exited the room, leaving Dream to be with his mate.

After Dave had left, a knock on the door made Dream feel alert, as he stood up and asked for who it was. "It's me Dream." Punz said outside of the room, just as the blonde opened it and let them inside.

"Is he okay?" Punz asked, as he glanced towards George.

"Yeah, he's fine now." Dream respond, "How's the situation?"

Punz let out a sigh, "We've arrested them, and another team is already on their way to arrest Mr. Michael. You should be hearing the news in a few hours, it's already pass midnight."

"Yeah, you should go now Punz, and I appreciate all the work you did for me."

"Don't mention it, and you should try to sleep as well. You don't want mate to get worried about you too." Punz commented, as Dream glanced towards George.

"Yeah I might, thank you..." Clay smiled, as he thanked his friend.

"Oh, before I forget- here are the documents you had earlier. Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Dream..." Punz smiled, as he hands out the files to Dream before leaving the room.

The alpha took a glance at it, seeing that his company files are still in tact and back on his hands. He went ahead and placed the files on the side table, before going back to where he sat, besides the brunette.

His hands roam back to George's stomach, as his mind drifted back to that same scenario. Remembering how George pushed him to the side as he takes the hit. "Why did you have to push me George..." He mumbles, knowing the brunette wouldn't be able to hear him. "It could've been me that was shot."

He starts stroking his hand on George's stomach, "And you didn't just endangered yourself... But also our baby." He said, as he stands, leaning in to kiss the brunette. "You're stubborn as always, my stubborn omega..."



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