Chapter 43

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Dream felt relieved as he was finally done with his work, checking out the time to see that it was already five thirty in the afternoon. He immediately took his phone out as he checks on the brunette's recent text, grinning as he saw the picture George took for his new schedule.

The brunette would only be going to school three times a week now for his major subjects, which  means he gets to be at home for the rest of the week. He told himself how he might also work at home, as he wanted to be there with George every day possible.

He planned on starting to find a good house soon, as he would want to surprise his mate in the future. Though knowing George, he'd freak out immediately and ask to sell it back. The thought of that made Dream chuckle, just as he got another text message on his business phone, this time from his driver Dave.

The content explained that he has been waiting for George to come out of the building as he arrived just fifteen minutes late in the university, making Dream frown slightly as it was already this late and George would always say something if he's going somewhere.

Immediately, he took a hold of his other phone, dialing George's number as he waits for him to pick up. It ringed for a couple of seconds, until finally someone picked it up.

"George? Oh thank goodness you picked up, where are you the driver's been waiting—"

"Hello there Dream..." A different voice spoke, making the alpha flinched as he internally started growling over the phone.

"Where is he?" He demands, as he already know who's on the other line. "Where is my mate Michael!?"

"Calm down boy, you'll get your mate back... After I enjoy ruining him for a bit..."

"Don't you dare hurt him or I'll make sure your company would crumble—!" Dream yelled, as anger arise into his senses.

"Ohh, and what you gonna do? Make us go bankrupt so I could kill your mate and child?" He cooed, threatening the blonde even more as he pressed down a button for his secretary to come inside.

His words hurt, as Dream felt the pain on his chest as he never wanted for George to get involved in this. "What do you want Michael..."

"Perfect, I was hoping you wouldn't ask— You do have a lovely mate here, so fragile and so charming." Michael chuckled, as he glanced towards his son Wilbur who's sitting beside the unconscious brunette in his room. "I was considering maybe taking him in for my son, he'd be a lovely bride."

"You shut your mouth old hag!" Dream growled, knowing that the enemy is making him try to loose focus. "I'll only repeat this once, What. Do. You. Want."

"I want you to sign a contract or resignation. Retire and let my son take over your company." He smirked, watching his son's surprised expression as he didn't expect his father would do such a thing.

Dream stayed quiet for some time, before George started to gain consciousness his eyes meeting his captor before Wilbur releases his scent once more. "Stay."

George started coughing, as the dominants' scent made him feel weak and unable to move. They are able to control other people unlike other ordinary alphas, making them even more powerful than the rest. "W-why are you doing this?"

"Oh look who's finally awake... George right? Wouldn't you like to talk to your Alpha?" Michael grinned just as he turned the phone on speaker.

"George! George are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he!?" Dream yelled through the phone, as he waits for the brunette to respond.

"D-dream! Please save me—" George whimpered, coughing as he tries his best to explain the situation. "It hurts— His s-scent hurts..."

"What did you do Michael!?" Dream growled.

"Easy there boy, we just had to control your little mate from running off, he is an omega after all. And my son is a dominant alpha, just like you..." The man said, as he watches the brunette curling into a ball, clutching his stomach.

"I'll give you until midnight to prepare your resignation letter and meet up with my son Dream, don't be late or else..." He demands, as he ends their conversation by throwing the brunette's phone, breaking it into pieces as it hits the wall.

"You didn't even explain to him where we'll meet father." Wilbur stated, as he watches his father heading unto the door.

"I'll send him a location once you go. It's up to you to do the rest my son." Michael stated as he left the room.

Wilbur nod his head, as his father existed the room. Leaving him and George alone as his eyes roamed back to the omega. Noticing how George was very protective over his stomach as he's holding unto it for dear life. "Dream's grandfather once was involved on my father's parent's accident." He began to say, knowing George would be listening to him.

"My grandfather Phil Soot once was a good friend of his grandfather Dream xD... The original Dream, as his father and the Dream you know now isn't their real names." He stated, as George looked up to him slightly.

"Till this day, my father would always do everything he can to take revenge for that accident... Though I know it wasn't his grandfather's fault, as he did not expect someone to assassinate their car that day. Leaving Dream's grandfather with injuries and my grandfather dead by a bullet shot through his right ear."

"Then why are you siding with your father, when you yourself know it's not the right thing to do—" George whispers, as he tried to sit up from the bed.

"Because I once made a mistake that killed my mother..." He grumbles, as he lifted his head up to meet George's worried eyes. "I never imagined my mother would die because of me— she went to pick me up at the nursery school when I was six, and being the clueless boy I am before, I crossed into the road without noticing the speeding car. I was too excited to see my mother, and then..." He sighs, his smile faded as he knew what happened next.

"I'm sorry to hear that Wilbur." George said, "But your mother would be sad if she knew what your doing now. Supporting your father's evil wishes..."

Hearing the brunette's confession made Wilbur's sad expression suddenly turned black once more. "It's already been done, I've began my part George, now all it's left is for your mate to give up his company to me..."


:( aww....

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