Chapter 9

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(George POV)

"You sure have a nice place." I say, as we walked inside Quackity's household.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I still can't believe you did it with Dream- like what were you thinking?" Quackity exclaimed, "Did you have any idea how he stormed into the room me Sapnap and Karl were sleeping in?!"

"Look Quackity I was drunk, you guys made me drink until I got wasted and then I stumbled upon him." I explained, as the two of us headed up the staircase.

"Dude, he literally stormed off after I told him your address. I'm pretty sure you got yourself into trouble, Dream is a guy filled with mysteries, and he's at least six years older than us you twat!" Quackity spats.

"Did you say s-six? Like he's that older?" I gasps, just realizing that I have slept with a much older guy than me. "B-but he doesn't look like that old."

"Exactly, he's like one of those multimillionaire dudes that has a perfect face and a perfect mysterious personality." Quackity sighs.

He opens up a room that has a queen sized bed and a very nice view of the garden by the windows. A white decorated walls and ceiling with a walk in wardrobe.

"Woah, is this your room?" I asked, stunned at the pretty looking bedroom.

"No it's a guest room and you'll be staying here since you said you needed a place for now." He explained.

"Thank you Quackity, you have no idea what happened." I sighed, sitting at the soft bed as I placed down my bag on the floor.

"I'm sorry George, It was partially my fault I dragged you into drinking. Did your mother hurt you anywhere?" He asked, getting closer to me as he tries to insect my frame.

"N-no she didn't do anything physically, just something in my chest hurts." I mumbled, remembering what happened earlier.

Tears began to swell up my eyes as I glanced down towards my twitching hands.   Still feeling the pain that I felt as I saw my mother shamelessly fucking a random guy in the living room.

"Oh George, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this." Quackity said as he sat next to me, rubbing his hands at the back of my shoulders.

"I couldn't hold unto it anymore, I once told myself a few months from now and we're finally graduating, I'll be leaving that place for good but instead now I just-"

"You just had to ran away." Quackity steps in, "It's going to be okay George, I'll lend you this spare room anytime you need it. You're one of my closes friend you know? You keep butting in for me whenever I skip in a class, so now let me give you the favor of letting you stay in my place in the mean time."

"You know I'm actually grateful you got me drunk that time." I whispered, glancing towards the window.

"Oh is it because you met that big bad alpha?" Quackity teases, earning a frown as I jokingly slaps Quackity in the shoulders.

"Shut up you ass, it's not that." I retorted, "It made me come to that place with a sudden realization that I could never call that place home."

Quackity smiled, as he started ruffling my hair into a messy style. "Well, I'll go buy us some take outs. I don't feel like eating something that's made by the maids. Any orders you'd like?"

"Hmm, pizza is fine. And don't you have a family member staying here?" I asked.

"Nope, my dad got me this place two years ago and my older brothers are busy with whatever it is they do. We all live separately and since I'm the youngest, I got this house for myself." He smirked.

"Lucky you." I said, as he marched outside leaving me alone in an empty spacious room.


(Dream POV)

"Sir. Was that the omega you picked?" My driver asked as we continued along the road towards the company building.

"It's uncommon to find male omegas these days. But yes, I grew a liking to him." I said, half smiling as I scrolled unto my tablet with all the other information I needed to know about George.

"He was quite the feisty one." My driver commented, half chuckling while his eyes were focused in the road.

"Indeed he is, yet there's something special about him I couldn't take my eyes off." I replied. Maybe this is what they call as love at first sight.

"Ahh,  love is always so mysterious Sir. You'll never know when you'll someday drown unto someone's heart."

I chuckled at my driver telling such deep quotes in life. He did have a point, although I wouldn't say it was at first sight but rather at first night.

"By the way sir, what about the meeting today with your mother and Ms. Venneta from the Marcial family?" He asked.

Suddenly remembering about the setup date my mother prepared for me to find a partner. She's always been wanting for me to meet someone.

"Please tell my mother to cancel it since I've found what I wanted." I said, as I glanced over to the picture of George at the very bottom of the files. "I'll be seeing you soon my stubborn omega."


I found signal to update yey!

Really sorry for the delay :(

Hope you a understand my situation


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