Chapter 38

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"The part where the male lead betrayed his female lead still is stuck in my head though." George uttered, "Like how could he just leave her to be with that other wolf."

"I know, see? I told you the ending would be tragic." Wilbur chuckled.

The two of them were currently sitting inside the library, George being vacant during his mornings made him be able to meet up with Wilbur.

The Alpha was pretty amused how his hunch was correct with Dream not informing George anything about him. Otherwise the brunette would have never gotten closer to him this much.

"Keep your friends close but enemies closer..." He thought to himself as George rambles on about the werewolf story.

Somehow George was never bothered to be with other alphas around him, it's probably because he had two other alpha friends. He thinks that Wilbur is just as innocent and friendly with him.

"Man that was a bummer, although it was a good story..." The brunette sighs, as he takes out his phone to check the time.

"There's another story I'd like you to read." The Alpha said, taking out a book as he slides it on the table in front of George.

"Unwrapped by devils?" The brunette asked, glancing at the front page of the book.

"Yes, it's very interesting..." Wilbur smiles, as he watches George flip a few pages. "The main protagonist was blinded by the people around him, and when he finally sees the truth..." The alpha snapped his fingers infront of George, startling the brunette. "Let's just say it didn't end well."

George flinched at his comment, as he felt like Wilbur was trying to tell him something by the way his eyes were starring at him for a second, before changing back into hos usual stares and cheery smiles.

"O-ohh, I see..." The brunette mumbled as he closes the book and glanced around, seeing a few students reading their own books and some just chilling in the library.

"You're going to love it George, infact you might know some things you'd never figured out through that book." Wilbur cheered, as he intentionally gave the omega the book.

George chuckled in response, rolling his eyes as he watches the alpha got up from his seat. "Where are you going?" The brunette asked.

"I have to be early for a group project, later George." The alpha waved at him as he walks away and out of the library, leaving the brunette behind.

George lets out a sigh, decided that he'd just wait in the library as he still has over thirty minutes to spare before his first classes.

He takes out his phone and headphones, connecting the bluetooth on them as he listens to his alpha's shared playlist. Ever since he heard Dream's music's he's been enjoying it himself as listening to it. Scrolling through the website as he tries to find something that's entertaining.

He thinks back to Dream's offer a few days ago, mumbling in his mind how he might as well move in with him rather than waking up everyday around five in the morning just to get ready before travelling for an hour and a half to school.

It's true that Dream's apartment was way nearer than Quackity's house, due to the fact that Clay lives in the city while Quackity lives in a private village a little it out of the city.

The traffic wouldn't be of any help with him especially when the university is in the other side of the city. A complete opposite to his friends house.

George tapped over his contacts, seeing Dream's number came into view as he's finally made his decision.

Soon he went ahead to his first class, leaving out of the library as he walks back to the computer department building. He goes into the hallways, noticing some stares from people that are basically unmated.

Some are curious and some are weirded out, the fact that only three percent of the population in school are omegas and George being one of the two percent of the omega population that are mated, made some alphas and betas feel envious of them.

He continuous to walk through as he reaches for the designated classroom. Sitting on his last seat from yesterday as he waits for classes to start.

Meanwhile, Dream was very excited when he had gotten the brunette's text. He made sure to clear his schedule before five in the afternoon hits just to pick his mate up from school.

He was on another meeting when George texted him, earning a few curious and surprised stares from his employees when he unconsciously chuckled and smiled on his phone before he clears his throat, telling the presenter to continue.

He also made sure to finish signing and attending a few documents for his company before the four thirty in his watch hits where he immediately calls out his driver and ditches his own secretary again.

"I'm moving in...  <3"

Dream chuckles as he looked at the message once more, as he was now in the passenger seat of his car and on the way to George's university.

The Alpha wasn't sure when the brunette would exactly move in, but at least he now knows that it will happen soon. Which is why he's excited to talk to George in person to discuss it further.

"You seem very cheerful today sir." The driver asked, looking at the mirror before his eyes glances back at the road.

"Yes, George decided to move with me..." He happily replied, glancing at his driver.

"I'm glad for the two of you." He said, as he smiled while continuing on driving, his eyes sticking on the road.

"Thank you Dave..." Dream gave him thanks, as he glances back to the buildings they're passing by in the city.

Dave has been Dream's private driver since he was in highschool, tho they we're almost the same age but only Dave was three years older. He was hired by her mother when Clay needed a personal driver, and his mother happen to have a few applicants which Dave was one of them and he luckily took the job.

Soon they arrived at the university, just in time for five o'clock as some students we're already outside and walking out of their buildings.


Finally the driver has a character. And what better way to put Technoblade in this position lol 😂

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