Chapter 45

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Be warned that some scenarios will be bloody in this chapter.

Enjoy :)

The night has been an impatient one for Dream as he awaits for his enemy to be there on the spot. He's had the documents in his hands ready, standing in the middle of the port a few meters away from the old storage room. His friends Punz and Purpled are on the hide out, waiting to engage if something ever happens.

The three of them kept an earpiece in one of their ears, one with a specific voice recorder as evidence to whatever may occur. Dream could hear the two bickering whispers as they kept looking at the time, a couple minutes left before midnight.

"They're taking so long, what did they say again—before midnight?" Purpled complained, as he was the youngest in of the three. Punz said that he's recently partnered up with him three years ago, not at the age of twenty two as he had graduated at an early age in training.

"They could be delayed or something, just keep a look out on your direction, over." Punz respond, as they could hear a little 'tch' from the younger.

"Why are you saying over when we're not in a walkie talkie—?" Purpled tried to asked, but immediately stopped as he sees two cars coming towards the port. "They're here!" He whispered yelled, checking the car out under his sniper scope to see the people inside.

"How many of them are there?" Drean asked, as he glances at port road to see the two black cars coming over.

"Eight including your mate..." Purpled responded, as he positions himself just as the car stopped infront of the storage house.

Four men walked out of the second car, as they formed a line infront before Wilbur gets out of the other car, and another men dragging George out.

"Dream! Sorry for the delay man, your mate just had to throw up at the last minute..." The other alpha chuckled, as he made his way closer while shamelessly spreading around his dark pheromones in the air.

"That guy isn't afraid to do illegal shit." Punz said through the earpiece, as the winds blew Wilbur's aura all over the place, acknowledging his presence to everyone around the port.

Dream glances towards his mate, as a man from earlier was still holding the brunette by his arm. "Let him go and I'll give you the files." He stated, as the other dominant alpha chuckled menacingly before his man pointed a gun behind George's head.

Wilbur smirked, his eyes filled with greed and wickedness as he signals the man to bring George right next to him.

George who's now holding his hands up, could feel the cold tip of the pistol behind his head as the man pushing him forward, walking towards the other alpha that was making such foul scent. He wouldn't dare say a word now, as it might lead to something he'd not hoped for, now standing a foot behind Wilbur as he looks at his made with worried in his eyes.

"Let's turn your sentence around shall we?" Wilbur sneered, as he turns around to look at the brunette before taking the man's gun as he steps aside for Wilbur to take over, now gripping on George's waist as he points the pistol on the omega's neck. "Give me the files first, or your mate dies..."

Everyone can now hear Dream's roaring growls as he's never felt this threatened his entire life, a pull on that trigger could immediately end George's life and would take away the person closest to his heart and soul.

He immediately hands out the documents, sending them sliding in front of George's foot as the other Alpha let's go of George and picks it up to inspect it, nodding his head to confirm that it was the true deal. "Pleasure doing business with you Dream." He said, as he pushes George towards his alpha, stumbling before Dream was able to caught him before the fall.

Immediately the two embraced, as George gripped unto his Alpha's shoulder, Dream doing the same as he gently hugs his waist. "George...." He whispered, as the brunette hummed quietly while they let go of each other's embrace.

"I miss you Dream..." He whispers, smiling towards his alpha as he finally felt safe beside him.

Wilbur could see their smiles and happy faces as the two got reunited, gritting his teeth as he felt a sort of jealousy in his heart, and hatred towards the two. Without thinking, he pulls out the gun he was holding, aiming it towards them as he unconsciously shoots a bullet.

Punz and Purpled were fast to notice, as they began to show themselves, Punz engaging on the spot at Purpled shoots Wilbur to the hand with his sniper, specifically to where he holds his gun.

The two were quick as Punz was able to knock out some of the men, while Purpled shoot the rest on parts of their body that they wouldn't die that easily as it was forbidden for cops to kill unless spoken to.

Dream's expression suddenly turns pale, as he heard the first gunshot that Wilbur aimed towards them. Looking down slowly as he didn't feel any sort of pain, just as he noticed his mate bleeding with a shocked expression on his face.

George was quick to see that other Alpha's aim as he deliberately pushed Dream on the side, taking in the hit towards his shoulders. His body began to stumble as he grips unto his wound while he thumps his knees on the ground. The pain felt unbearable to him as he screamed and cried helplessly on the floor.

The scenario between the two blurred, as they could only see each other's worried and painful stares. Dream crouches down to lift the omega up, immediately running towards his car as his driver started the engine.

Getting inside as they rushed to the nearest hospital, telling Punz and Purpled through the earpiece to meet up with them there as they left.

Police arrived a few minutes into the scene, just at Dream's car left and immediately arrested all the men in the port, as Punz and Purpled explained the situation to their team.

Hand cuffing all injured men while medics tries to stop the bleeding from the gunshots of some of Purpled's victims on his sniper, and the rest of their team taking pictures as more evidence of what just happened.


To be continued....

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