Chapter 6

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(George POV)

"W-what are you doing put me down!" I yelps, as this Alpha effortlessly carries me in his reserved hotel room. Closing the door and locking it to block my plan of escape, placing me down as I gave him the angry look on my face while trying to unlock the doorknob with my hands on the back.

He takes both of my hands in his muscular ones, locking me in place. "Going so soon?" He smirked, as I gave him a scowl. I could sense his pheromones getting stronger, clouding my very own.

"I-I need to go your scent is weird." I stuttered, as he only made this pheromones' spread all over the place which is driving me crazy for him.

"Don't you like it omega?" He whispers near my ear, grinning seductively as he places his other hand on my nape holding my face in place. 

"S-shut up." I mumbled blushing un accordingly, as my body began to react at the dominant alpha's scent, weakening my own two legs. God his scent was heavenly, having a dominant alpha by your side is something a lowly person like me would be dreaming off.

The mysterious man finally takes his mask off, letting me be able to see his gorgeous perfectly toned face. I gulp in frustration, the lust within me is increasing as I could feel my bottom drip. I couldn't hold back any longer, he's too much of a tease I can't stand it. My body moved unto accord, pushing my lips with his. 

This was my first time kissing someone, The blonde taken by surprised as he kisses me back both fighting for dominance. He bites my lower lip to gained access, as he swiftly scoops me up and started walking towards the bed. 

Our lips parted as he pushes me on the soft mattress, quickly crawling on top of me as he begins another round of rough kissing. Placing my hands on his toned chest, as they moved to unbutton his shirt.

The alpha growled, taking my hands off as he pins them both on top of my head. His pheromones we're driving me crazy to my limits. "Not so fast little one." He whispers devilishly into my ears, his head sunk down at my nape as I leaned back for him to gain more access. A moaned escaped my lips as he sucks near my collar, the pleasure he gives off sends me chills.

He unbuckles the belt of my pants, letting them slide as he rips off whatever left I was wearing. By now I was fully exposed under the presence of a hungry looking male. His eyes scanned all over my figure, making me blush in embarrassment.

He smirked, seeing me at this state. His hands moved towards my thighs, lightly caressing them as he leans forward sucking my sensitive nipples. Gasping as he places his fingers inside my core, by now I was wet underneath and a mess. The alpha took off his clothes as he positions himself, slowly pressing his hips forward a low groan emits his chest. Tears left my eyes as the pain spreads all over my body, the blonde keeping himself as bay as he lets me readjust to his size. "You took it in so well baby." He muttered.

Feeling more comfortable on this position, He starts to pull his hips back slowly the pressing them forward again. Each thrust getting more addictive as he continues in a steady rhythm, exhaling loud noises in each thrust. The alpha leans in forward seeing his beautiful green eyes as he looks at mine, my pupils dilated with admiration.

Soon enough I could feel my limit at its peak, the alpha giving a few more final thrust, burying himself deep into me as the two of us explodes our release. The blonde fell nest to me, his muscular arms gripping at my smaller frame. My vision clouded with satisfaction as I drifted off to sleep.

Morning soon arose, I flickered my eyes open into seeing an empty bed. My clothes on the floor with someone else's. I glanced at the room remembering what happened last night, cursing myself as I heard the bathroom showers running. I quietly took my clothes, wearing them as I exited the room, not caring about my aching body from last night.

Knowing that the party has already ended, I went to dial Quackity's number as I descend from that floor of the hotel. "Come on Quackity pick-up." I mumbled, hoping he'd still be around the place, only to be disappointed by the voice message. Placing my phone back in my pocket, as I walk towards the bus stop. 

I sigh as I got inside the bus, sitting on one of the open seats as the driver starts to drive forward. I took a mental note to buy birth control pills later, knowing that there could be a chance I'd get pregnant after that one night with the dominant alpha.

By now it was already ten thirty in the morning, the bus finally arrived as I stepped out of my neighborhood. Taking my time as I stroll towards my house, knowing my abusive mother might be there waiting. 

I knocked at the door, unlocking it slowly to see no one was around. Stepping inside as I see just a few more cans of beer, exhaling as I thank my luck thinking that maybe she went to buy a few more of her addiction. 

I hurriedly went inside my bedroom changing my clothes as I hid the ones I used inside an empty bag, reminding myself to send them to the laundry later on as I plop unto the bed. 

A low buzzing sound could be heard on my phone, picking it up from the side table as I see Quackity's number. I scoffed, seeing that now he's suddenly calling me, "What is it?" I picked up the phone.

"George! Where the hell did you go?" He asked, a bit pissed.

"I didn't find the bathroom." I mumbled, not really wanting to give the details of what happened next.

"Oh yeah? Then why is there an angry alpha outside our room asking Sapnap where you went?!" He sneered.

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